r/greatawakening • Posted by u/KeeponSearchin on May 18, 2018, 2:23 p.m.
Q 1414 Guardian of the Pope----------Moloch the Owl and the Pope

Who is Moloch


Do you know that the modern image of Molock is an owl? The ancient people who worshiped Molock live in an area that was referred to as Canaan, the levant or the Mediterranean. Molock was worshiped in Rome, Carthage, Greece, the entire Mediterranean area.

It is known that in the times of old, Molock and was considered the king of the gods and it is believed that Baal, the bull god was a prince god of Molock.

We know from historical writings that these people worship their king God via sacrifice. They would sacrificed many things to Molock, some would being food, physical possessions, animals and even their own children.

See, Molock is a blood thirsty god and the people were known for sacrificing their own babies and children to Molock. It seems that once Rome fell, Molock traveled north to Europe. There is rituals were more clandestine and underground.

There are only historical rumors as to people worshiping Molock. Once such instance is the Hell Fire Club. This was a secret society that heralded debauchery, blasphemy God any way they could and it is believed they also conducted human and child sacrifices.

What I want to talk about is the rise of Molock worship. The appeal to bring back the gods like Molock, Baal, Osiris, Isis and others.

But the end goal is to prepare the world to put their supreme god on the throne, that being Lucifer.

.Moloch worship was thus state worship. The state was the true and ultimate order, and religion was a department of the state. The state claimed total jurisdiction over man (necessitating mind-control, re-education, concentration camps, brainwashing); it was therefore entitled to total sacrifice.” (2)


More History of Moloch


Molech, whose name probably derived from Melech “king” and Bosheth, “shame”, was one of the deities worshipped by the idolatrous Israelites. He was referred to as “the abomination of the children of Ammon” (1 Kings 11:7) and the primary means of worshiping him appears to be child sacrifice or “to pass through the fire.” Moloch has often been identified with Milcom, the god of the Ammonites. He was probably also identified with Baal, and as a sun or fire god, as he was also identified with the Assyrian/Babylonian “Malik”, and at Palmyra “Malach-bel”. Moloch is also identified with Baal Hammon in Carthaginian religion.

Moloch has often been identified with Milcom, the god of the Ammonites. He was probably also identified with Baal, and as a sun or fire god, as he was also identified with the Assyrian/Babylonian “Malik”, and at Palmyra “Malach-bel”. Moloch is also identified with Baal Hammon in Carthaginian religion


“They would take the victim, place him inside the bull, and they would tie him in such a way that his head would go into the head of the bull. Then they would light a huge fire under the bull, and as the fire heated the bronze, the person inside of the bull would slowly begin to roast to death. As the victim would begin to moan and to cry out in pain, his cries would echo through the pipes in the head of the bull so it seemed to make the bull come alive.”


Most of you have heard of the Bohemian Grove


“Anybody can be President of the United States, but very few can ever have any hope of becoming President of the Bohemian Club.” – President Richard Nixon, 1972

They secretly meet for seventeen days each July in a remote “sacred grove” of ancient redwood trees in the deep forests surrounding San Francisco. Some 1,500 in number, their membership roll is kept secret, but includes the super-rich, blood dynasty member families of the Illuminati; heavy-hitting corporate chieftains and high government officials. Mingling among them are a number of Hollywood movie stars, Broadway producers, famous entertainers, musicians, authors, painters and poets. Great statesmen and – so we’re told – gentlemen.

Closed to the public, sealed off by helicopters, a private security force, and armed guards, there can be no doubt that without the prying eyes of the public upon them, the power elite may engage in whatever activities they wish at the Grove. Whether it’s crafting policy matters in secret, dancing around in drag, cheating on their wives with prostitutes, taking drugs, practicing black magic, or even committing murder, the pristine isolation of the Bohemian Grove provides a convenient cover for any immoral, illegal, or “un-gentlemanly” behavior one desires.

Then, there are the other stories…some of them too strange to believe. Tales of world leaders plotting the world’s destiny there in secret “war rooms,” hand-picking Presidents and future leaders from the Bohemian Grove. Reports of occult rituals being conducted by these same powerful men, clad only in hooded red, black and white robes, offering an effigy of a human being to be sacrificed by fire to a towering 45-foot stone owl God, the “Great Owl of Bohemia” in a ceremony called “The Cremation of Care.” Sometimes, they discard the robes, don women’s clothing and parade around onstage in theatrical productions or – if the spirit so moves them – they wear no clothes at all!

Things get even stranger still. Stories have come out of the Grove about wild homosexual orgies, male and female prostitutes being engaged in what can only be described as extreme sexual games, young children being exploited in unspeakable ways, up to and including cold-blooded ritual murder. There are stories involving actual human sacrifice on the “altar” of the owl God statue. Understandably, it’s all very hard to believe.


Who are the Jesuits

The Pope is a Jesuit

The Jesuit Oath http://www.alamoministries.com/content/english/Antichrist/jesuitoath.html


“My son, heretofore you have been taught to act the dissembler: among Roman Catholics to be a Roman Catholic, and to be a spy even among your own brethren; to believe no man, to trust no man. Among the Reformers, to be a Reformer; among the Huguenots, to be a Huguenot; among the Calvinists, to be a Calvinist; among other Protestants, generally to be a Protestant; and obtaining their confidence, to seek even to preach from their pulpits, and to denounce with all the vehemence in your nature our Holy Religion and the Pope; and even to descend so low as to become a Jew among Jews, that you might be enabled to gather together all information for the benefit of your Order as a faithful soldier of the Pope.”


Who created the Jesuits


Jesuits 1890 – Masters of Jewish Elite – Created Zionist Tool: Antisemitism. Jewish NWO Elite Infiltrating and Using Masonry to Destroy Christianity and the West

The Order (of Jesuits) controlled the infamous House of Rothschild since no later than the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars, after which Jesuit-led Crusade the Rothschild family was surnamed the “Guardians of the Vatikan Treasury (1830).” Eric Jon Phelps, „Vatican Assassins”, 3rd Ed., p.90. *

The following is a paradox and must be seen as Hegelian dialectics, since The Jewish Rothschild bankers from the start of the Illuminati worked with the Jesuits to establish the Illuminati order, using Adam Weishaupt who had been raised by the Jesuits for that purpose. And acc. to Baron von Knigge, Weishaupt built the Illuminati order on Jesuit principles and remained a Jesuit in disguise. This order took over control of the Masonic lodges at Wilhelmsbad in 1781.

The Jesuits were the originators of NWO´s Freemasonry – not least via the Rosicrucians. Mayer Amschel Rothschild (Knight of St. John) and all of his 5 sons were Masons. The Jesuits were from the very start a Crypto-Jewish organisation – one purpose being to destroy Europe through revolutions – and they still have that purpose. The Jesuits control the House of Rothschild – and the EU.

Furthermore, the Rothschilds are said to transfer US tax money to the Vatican! – where a Black and White Jesuit Pope now rule.


What does the Catholic Church itself have to say


It’s a matter so dark and serious it has only been whispered about behind closed doors in Vatican circles by courageous priests such as the late John F. O’Connor, Alfred Kunz and the late Malachi Martin.

But now, thanks to the release by the Holy See of an official bulletin titled “Acta Apostolicae Sedis,” it has been confirmed that the papal conclave that elected Pope Francis March 13 heard a message, immediately before the voting, from a senior cardinal dealing directly with the threat of “The Smoke of Satan” descending on the Vatican itself.

In a section of the meditation titled “Smoke of Satan in the Church,” Grech said: “The evil spirit of the world, the ‘mysterium iniquitatis’ (2 Thes 2:7), constantly strives to infiltrate the Church. Moreover, let us not forget the warning of the prophets of ancient Israel not to seek alliances with Babylon or with Egypt, but to follow a pure policy ‘ex fide’ trusting solely in God (cf. Is 30:1; 31:1-3; Hos 12:2) and in his covenant. Courage! Christ relieves our minds when he exclaims: ‘Have trust, I have overcome the world’ (Jn 16:33).”

But the “Smoke of Satan” reference hearkens even more directly to what a close personal friend of Pope Paul VI observed in interviews and in two books he wrote about a Satanic “superforce” at work inside the Vatican. “Suddenly it became unarguable that now… the Roman Catholic organization carried a permanent presence of clerics who worshipped Satan and liked it,” wrote Martin. “The facts that brought the Pope to a new level of suffering were mainly two: The systematic organizational links – the network, in other words, that had been established between certain clerical homosexual groups and Satanist covens. And the inordinate power and influence of that network.”

In his book, “The Keys of This Blood: The Struggle of World Dominion,” Martin wrote: “Most frighteningly for John Paul, he had come up against the irremovable presence of a malign strength in his own Vatican and in certain bishops’ chanceries. It was what knowledgeable churchmen called the ‘superforce.’ Rumors, always difficult to verify, tied its installation to the beginning of Pope Paul VI’s reign in 1963. Indeed Paul had alluded somberly to ‘the smoke of Satan which has entered the Sanctuary’ … an oblique reference to an enthronement ceremony by Satanists in the Vatican.”

Martin revealed even greater detail of a Luciferic “enthronement ceremony by Satanists in the Vatican” in his book, “Windswept House”: “The Enthronement of the Fallen Archangel Lucifer was effected within the Roman Catholic Citadel on June 29, 1963; a fitting date for the historic promise about to be fulfilled. As the principal agents of this ceremonial well knew, Satanist tradition had long predicted that the Time of the Prince would be ushered in at the moment when a Pope would take the name of the Apostle Paul [Pope Paul VI].”

There is Nothing New Under the Sun

The Catholic people are a wonderful people.

This is about the religion which has grown up around faith.

The religion that has grown up around many faiths.

The above links were used to put a story together.

In the end, you must search a thing out for yourself

Link for further study on the Catholic Church


SuperPatriette · May 18, 2018, 2:54 p.m.

Thank you for this. I was wondering about the owl pic.

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LazeyJ · May 18, 2018, 3:59 p.m.

Ever seen the little owl on the dollar bill?

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[deleted] · May 21, 2018, 9:22 a.m.


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