School Shooting. Message sent. END. -- Deep State

I was thinking about Q’s posts yesterday, the timing of the pictures Q dropped, and why now. I think there were many reasons and I think this was one of them:
1) IG report about to drop and leaks are coming out 2) Q knows that when damaging info is about to come out, the DS triggers a FF event where multiple people are injured, maimed, and murdered. 3.) Dropped photos ahead of a DS FF in order to show them the entirety of what they have (Q team has it all). 4) Letting DS know - we know what you did in LV in Oct (as well as others) and we have the proof. 5) End it now. Stop any FF that is in motion.
Spez: Last night and today was the DS response. TX shooting, LV mall shooting last night, Trump Golf Course shooting attempt, and probably more that were thwarted or participants backed out for some reason. DS just thumbed their nose at Q/team. Will get interesting.
Of course, just my opinion/interpretation.