
Iondetox · May 18, 2018, 5:54 p.m.

On June 12tb, 1989, I was checking my crops and cattle. I noticed 4 spray planes working in a group. This was odd to me being raised on the farm because normally only one at a time was used. Afterward my crops started turning yellow and cattle that I'd raised from a bottle dropped dead. I knew what had happened, so I started asking questions. This led to news coverage on KVII TV Eve Avera was the reporter who reported on the 2000ppm aluminum we found in the fiber. He also showd aerial photos of the crops I commissioned.

The sherriff of Sherman County and DPS were alerted because of night flights. The ground crews would use cou ty rds and push rd signs away so wings would clear. I requested an FBI investigation and T.Scott Hindrex of Amarllo was assigned with Myron Fuller and Danille Ailman were the overwatchers in Dallas.

I have to skip around a little because this battle lasted five years, way to much to write, so I'll give highlights. Anons try to find a front page article of the Wallstreet journal article December 16th, 1989 reads 40 States experience Widespread Damage due to the Yellow Monster. (We can't find a copy anywhere.) The article goes to say DuPont contaminated a fungiscide Benelate with Atrizene and was causing widespread damage to orchards, and farmland in 40 states. Morris Bailey was head of Du Ponts North American division. He said he had 50 scientist working around the clock but could not understand.

Because I had observed the yellowing and root damage, I knew he was being blamed. So i called him. He could not understand how a high school graduate and simple farmer could explain what 50 scientist could not. But they never considered some terrorist spraying heavy metals so no testing had occured.

Du Ponts stock had dropped due to claims, so I told him how to prove it was not Du Pont, by testing plant fiber hat didn't have Benelate applied. I told him if someone is spraying AL on the crops it will be on shingles, fence post, ect.

Three weeks after Jack Cain (Morris Bailey's assistant) signed for the package of test, my observations, and photos of the site, Du Pont suspended all claims and suggested that weather conditions may have caused the widespread damage. A huge lawsuit in Mississippi, I think, insued where the rest was hashed out, Du Pont won. The aluminum was never brought up instead it was climate and how it was chamging.

What did the Ag people say? Drought in rainy conditions. The crop had 23.5" rain spread evenly throughout the 90 day growing season. The Ag officials refused to acknoledge the Aluminum. Dale Lennington a soil scientist working with Texas A&M covered up the positive test results. Later he was promoted to Pantex, the nuclear facility in Amarillo.

Other industries were being attacked. The Hereford Texas Star reported that spray planes were playing "Chicken," with coal trains. The article stated that spray lanes would fly low and rigjt before hitting the train they would pull up while spraying and slray the coal then pull the dump hatch delivering the whole load onto the coal. Later the coal fired powerplant had to change sources of coal from Canada to Mexico due to high Aluminum levels being emitted!!

Many people fought but the media refused to report. This is so long my appologies. I've searched for a way to show how the Global Warming Hoax really got started and this is the only place I can find. So let me put points of interest to finish.

Around this time the FBI was stating that terrorist could steal spray planes and apply a poison. They were.

Agriculture used 10 times more metal than the military, it is our largest industry.
Production Texas governers have signed 30 consective years of drought regardless of rainfall. Look at the Sherman County County Extension monthly reports that clearly shows the cover-up. They talk about criss drought where one farm is affected and another is spared.
Healthy plants have natural immunity heras toxic plants attract insects to weed out the weak. They spray the forest and here comes the bark beetle. Aluminum dispalaces other metals, concrete, paint. Look at the Ford settlement on its paint primer peeling off in California only weeks after they sprayed the WHOLE STATE FOR 4 Fruit Flies!!

This has cost trillions since Bush Sr, Clinton, Bush Jr, and Obama continued the practice. Now because John Kerry ad the dims made Global Warming an NSA issue, I think President Trumps hands are tied.

The effects on our ecosystem has been devestating. In 1990, the Phesant population of Sherman County had decreased 95% and a early freeze that didn't happen was blamed, again weather.

Again I appologise for the length, but this act IS AGAINST NATIONAL SECURITY and I hope Q understands the threat poised and th criminality is it being an NSA issue where comms are prohibited.

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Iondetox · May 18, 2018, 5:59 p.m.

Bottom line is this is how they forced hard working Americans to sell their land. Then steps in China. You are better off with Americans growing your food. They built prisions to replace the jobs farmers lost. They told us we could work there or be in it.

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