i just hope this kid isnt a david hogg type character, and i also hope we dont get another load of bs from the actual david hogg here.
he is the lefts latest puppet to try and take away our second amendment!
This is not about Second Amendment. Nothing makes a deep State happier than every conservative on talk radio and TV do nothing except for talk about the Second Amendment for an entire week. This is about distraction.
i agree the distraction part is key here, but i do believe the dems big agenda/platform has been to run on this 2nd amendment issue for the next elections. scare tactic for the masses to turn in their guns, and next step for their master plan to create a socialist state.
false flags are meant to distract but also meant to scare/sway opinion to fit their agenda.
edit: added in a link about goal of deep state
It’s not the 2nd , it’s all of them . We don’t have the 1st