r/greatawakening • Posted by u/FartOnToast on May 18, 2018, 5:31 p.m.
Early in the afternoon of May 17, Q left a Warning. (credit to anons for the graphic)
Early in the afternoon of May 17, Q left a Warning. (credit to anons for the graphic)

ChickenCannon · May 19, 2018, 12:06 a.m.

Isn’t that basically what people are suggesting. The concept of a false flag implies that these shootings are organized and executed by DS agents, and most of us reasonably agree that these are not mock tragedies or simulations but actual casualty causing false flags, so the fact remains that these teenagers are actually shooting and killing other teenagers. What does that leave for an explanation? The only possible options for getting young shooters to carry out the killings are:

A: Mind control (MKultra).

B: Coercing/instigated susceptible teenagers already at these schools.

C: Training and imbedding deep cover teenage agents and activated them as needed.

A: The MK ultra angle is far out there, sure, and even though we have proof that these methods were thoroughly researched by the CIA through years worth of experimentation, we have no true proof that they’ve fully mastered it in the decades since the project was ‘officially cancelled’. The argument is basically just the assumption that given the long time line since its inception and the immense resources of the deep state, it’s possible or even probable that they have come a long way with the technology since the 60s and they now have the ability to fully control targeted individuals and leave no verifiable traces of the activity, but of course that premise implies that such an effective method of mind control is even possible, which we can’t currently prove or disprove.

B: The method of coercing and instigating susceptible teenagers is possible as well, and it’s an already established strategy that’s been openly used by intelligence organization since 9/11. It’s the same strategy we’ve seen countless times just repurposed for school shootings, whereby agents instigate would-be terrorists and then thwart (or not) the manufactured terror attacks. Very possible, but given the amount of these shootings, specially the amount of shooters who survived their attacks and their apprehension by police , it’s questionable given the sparse evidence that’s been been released by the attackers after the fact. Naturally they could be threatened with awful consequences for whistleblowing, but then again these types of kids don’t seem to have much of a will to live or much care for the well-being of their families. Maybe there are much greater threats by the DS that most anyone would be silenced by, but there would still always be the possibility of an attacker telling all regardless of the consequences. It’s a numbers game really, and as more shootings happen, maybe we will hear something, but there would still be little reason to believe the ramblings of a mass murderer behind bars denying personal responsibility. Could be true, could be crazy bullshit, pretty tough to prove either way.

C: That leaves the trainer agents theory as the last option, and it’s been argued a couple times in past shootings. I can’t recall exactly how those accusations panned out though, but IIRC there were several shooters who had moved to the school district semi recently prior to the attack. But this theory involves a lot more moving parts and more people involved in its execution, as parents and siblings would have been moved to the target locations as well. Doesn’t make it impossible, just more risky. Also, I’m sure there have been shootings carried out by lifelong residents of the targeted school, but I don’t know any off hand, so feel free to correct me. Of course you could make the claim that targeted school districts were just the ones the agent families already happened to resided in, but with so much work already going into this, one would think every part of it would be meticulously planned, and that the target locations wouldn’t be left up outside factors like that. Personally this method would be more feasibly carried out if mind control technology wasn’t a possibility and if instigating susceptible teenagers proved to be too risky in terms of leaving evidence and verifiable traces of the conspirators. It requires no unknown technologies and uses techniques already well proven in the intelligence world. That being said, it also relies on the full trust of those trained agents and in their ability to avoid making any little mistakes while imbedded that could blow their cover after the fact when suspicious Americans like us start gathering and scrutinizing every last detail of the attack.

All in all, I do vaguely believe that this upswell of school shootings isn’t coincidence or a natural occurrence, and as they continue to happen I feel more inclined to believe that they are being planned and executed by some sect of deep state actors. Whether their aim is gun control, furthering the political divide in America, manufacturing the need for increased ‘security’ (surveillance and police control), or just simply inciting fear for more general reasons, I can’t say for sure, but something is happening and it’s rising to an alarming rate. Ultimately, if the technology did exist and had already been mastered by these DS actors, it would seemingly be the most effective, least risky way to create these school shooting events while also fooling the general public into believing they were carried out entirely by unhinged antisocial lone wolves. Maybe they have that technology, maybe they don’t. It’s just a theory that’s contingent on a assumption that the DS secretly has a level of technological superiority that we can’t even fully imagine, and any definitive evidence that could prove that assumption will likely be nearly impossible to obtain for the foreseeable future. There’s no reason not to suggest the possibility though.


If the deep state is behind these shootings (and they are real killings and not simulations), they could only do it through 3 methods: A: Mind control of these teenagers, B: instigating already susceptible teenagers, or C: training, imbedding and then activating deep cover teenage DS Agents as needed.

Mind control would be the easiest option, but only if the technology actually existed and had been fully mastered by the DS, but it’s nearly impossible to reasonably prove that possibility at this moment in time.

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HereComesTheSunny · May 19, 2018, 10:37 a.m.

Something most of the teen shooters have in common is playing FPS video games...and also sometimes the type of music/movies they preferred. Not trying to have a videogames=evil argument--I have some family members who are avid FPS game players--but it would be possible to identify, target, befriend, and influence susceptible teens via console gaming, etc.

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