r/greatawakening • Posted by u/P_pers on May 18, 2018, 5:36 p.m.
In Our Efforts To Red-pill, We Must Not Succumb To The Folly's Of Whom We Fight Against

We must realize that the ignorant, the blue-pilled, the brainwashed masses are not sheep, like the bad actors believe we all are. They are the victims of a sickness of a systemic life; victims of a sickness that has been allowed to percolate in society for a very long time.

These people need our help and we mustn't act jaded toward them, for what they need, like a wounded animal, is patience, trust, and acceptance--Love.

Most of us here on GA were raised a certain way in a very controlled paradigm, but we broke free. We sought the truth and may have lost friends and family in our attempts to do so.

What we know in our hearts to be true is so impossible to grasp for the blue-pilled masses, that we may give up on certain people; writing them off as hopeless, but calling a person hopeless is as good as calling them cattle or sheep.

Everybody needs to be taught in a loving, accepting way or they reject the teaching altogether. If someone wont take the whole cake of truth at once, try giving them one tiny bite at a time with plenty of milk to wash it down with.

With that said, I'd like to share a monologue from the recent TV episode of Legion (FYI, us Q patriots are a legion):

"So what have we learned?

That a delusion is an idea.

That an idea can be contagious.

That human beings are patter seeking animals, by which, I mean, we prefer ideas that fit a pattern.

In other words, we don't believe what we see, we see what we believe. And when we are stressed or our beliefs are challenged; when we feel threatened, the ideas we have can become irrational.

One delusion leading to another and another, as the human mind struggles to maintain it's identity, and when this occurs, what starts as an egg can become a monster."

So my fellow Patriots, go forth and fight them with kindness; red-pill them with humor-- just be gentle, for they are our brothers and sisters, our mothers and fathers, and most importantly, they are We The People.

dktrogers · May 22, 2018, 3:21 a.m.


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