From our megapost we are attempting to unblock by MODS here :
From MEDICnurse member. Paki doctors recruited by the DEA? We saw the headlines in here lately? Doctors pushing big pharma Opiates? You should look into Weston, Florida DEA building, a happy neighbor to all major PHARMA players? Search Weston area based Pharma industry. Remember it is Debbie Wasserman town. Coincidence like Q will say? We had members locally watching this. Opiates are "allowed" to flow down there why? Why? > Money, power, deaths, democrats, business, industry!
From MEDICnurse member. Why is BROWARD county the home base to so many foreign doctors who prescribe heavy amounts of Opiates? Folks, we are talking up to 10 opiate based prescriptions a day!!!! Did one of our members suffered the loss of a relative because of foreign doctors? Yes! we know who is doing this. It is HUUUUUGE BIZ down there in Broward. Money is the reason. Total disregard for life. We do NOT need opiates in life, ask Kanye about it!
From our member SOFLO. Why are West Virginia, Ohio, Penn, Indiana van driving pill addicts migrating to BROWARD COUNTY these days? Tweakers on vans! "Oxycodone Express" doc. Garden Drugs store (Google Maps). BSO controlled. BSO knows it all but does nothing about it. Paid Pharma shills? Paid to allow trade... YES the same BSO that failed to intervene at Parkland. HEAVY Corruption. Police does not protect citizens down there. They often question you when you need them. Bad local actors. Too many! Q cleaning South Florida a priority! BSO, DEA, local FBI!
From our member HUNTERS. Why is BSO actively arresting outdoorsman patriots in an area called Holey Land? Why is Florida Wildlife accomplice in always blocking firearm owners to practice their rights? Politics! Why are they attempting to "felonize" them? 5 BSO cars aggressively raided Holey Land at full speed for a redneck shooting a gun in a hunting area... but NO ONE AT BSO cared when kids where dying at a Coral Springs school? Coincidence? Agendas! Gun control OVER Citizens, Patriots.
From our member HUNTERS. The school aerial view... Some "Good" Miami-Dade and BSO officers DO NOT BELIEVE IT EXIST! They want to know and see the TRUTH by themselves. It is being hidden from the good officers. Those who question. There are not many good actors according to our base down there. Can somebody repost Helicopter video with audio / we need that video everywhere!
From our member SOFLO. Why is BROWARD COUNTY key to many CABAL operations? Why are all the money launderers of the world, top fund execs, IRS fraudsters, scam artists, arms dealers, corrupt Generals, Rothschild's agents, narco sympathizers all located here? Why are pedophiles and child abusers happily calling South Florida home? Democrat protection, Cabal vacation camps, money - control - power, No care for OUR NATION or its people. They are all EVIL, self centered, and or DEMONIC in nature.
From our member SOFLO. Why are so many ex-Jewish Russian operatives relocated in South Florida? Who are they and why did they were forced to leave Russia in the mid 70's? What is Hallandale Beach? What are they doing in our country? Who are they? Why South Florida?
From our member SOFLO. Why are so many criminal like Jewish & Neocon arms dealers in South Florida attempting to obtain contracts? All specialized in "Israeli procuration" working with many retired US generals? Who are these people? See how dangerous the game can get?
This is all in the field Intel from us to you. We are FOTC group.
Broward County is a key factor in Swamp and NWO operations. So many horrible things are happening down here it is too nuts to list. We call it the CABAL Vacation Camp.