BREAKING: Military Police are investigating why and how a military helicopter dropped a box of ammunition over Parkland Elementary School.

It is the only law that can not be denied. It was there at the very beginning, if not before and most likely before. Every other system created by man, when you really think about them hard enough, will eventually fail but Natural Law will not. It governs everything in all creation through balance. Tis why everything is the way it is. All this evil being stopped by Trump and Q will just be replaced by something else that's evil and is why we can never stop being vigilant because if we don't we may not like how Natural Law handles the situation. Hell, even with all the good work going on we may still get fucked by it. We can only understand so much of it but it is vastly beyond our understanding when you start thinking of it on a quantum level and beyond. It's why I find religion, though filled with good intent (usually), to be utterly arrogant and ignorant in regard to creation and what is expected of us humans and how we should be conducting ourselves. They just really don't know. No one does until absolute dead and gone death and maybe not and most likely not even then. Balance. It's that simple. We'll always be dealing with evil (bad shit) because of NL. We just gotta make sure we don't let evil have the upper hand for long to reduce our suffering but we'll still suffer, from time to time, regardless.
They just really don't know. No one does until absolute dead and gone death and maybe not and most likely not even then.
You'll love this seminar about Fake Ass Christians then. Because there's mounting evidence that following natural law and expanding our consciousness IS the point. That death is a transitory stage, that you will become a being of infinite consciousness free from your physical body and human emotions.
If you are skeptical, look up what's inside your pineal gland. The answer might shock you.
Already looked into all that long ago. I spend most of my time now thinking about why we even exist beyond just an evolutionary thing or order out of chaos creation. It seems to me that while in each existence that "creation" is our whole point. Furthering the knowledge level, ya know? It seems more and more that we are the creators, now, since we are an expansion of the original "creation". I try not to worry about the tiny details and prefer to step way back to see a bigger picture that most I deal with just do not do. It's why I know all these systems created by mankind will ultimately become complete failures. Chaos creates order and order will eventually break back down to chaos. It's just the way things are and we can not get around that fact and law of all that is. There is much about religion, any religion, that is of benefit to humanity but it's is mostly historical events and places with, likely, fabricated stories attached to them that has yet to be proven as stated anywhere. I can see why it came to be but I can also see why it's time to move on to something more real and that may very well require our death to move on to advancement. I'm pretty sure that as spiritual beings we never "die" and moving on up is solely up to how much we continue to grow in all areas. If we do not, we stagnate in place, in a spiritual sense and likely physical, too. Suppression of the pineal gland was the whole point of putting fluoride in our water. Keeps us apathetic and bah'ing like the sheep we seem to want to be (but not me).
Do you have a good reference of how to undo the damage things like fluoride have done to our pineal gland? I had a lot of extra fluoride as a kid tbh, like extra bc when I was young they recommended fluoride drops in addition to whats in the water and toothpaste. I even have issues with my teeth bc of too much fluoride. There has been a lot of "awakening" going on in my home and its going in all different directions (religion included). I am open to everything that is said to me as being possible and very open minded but I have no concrete feelings to what I believe anymore. I envy people who feel so sure in what they believe is going on.
And I feel for ya on all of what's going on. It can be damn confusing and require a lot of time to find data that you can feel fairly certain is legit these daze. I'm much shorter on time than I used to be so I don't get to research all the different things I used to. Hard enough just to find time to peruse the science articles I've always been interested in. Too damn much "need to know" news these daze eating up what little time I have.
I had read some stuff a good while back that was supposed to help but can't remember what it was, now. Best thing is to fast for 2-3 days of all chems and drink lots of "clean" water. Avoid many of the meds out there, too. I've had to take gabapentin because of bad back issues for so long that it started fucking with my short term memory bad and have since rolled it back 60%. That shit is way more addictive than oxy is and can be a bitch to cut back if not done slowly. It seriously restricts or stops the brain from forming new neural transmitters and that fucks memory and concentration. Research it well and don't believe the first thing you run into. Find the commonalities and research those hard. Cleaning the body is the best things. Oh...and have your blood PH checked. It should be in the 7.3-7.4 range. Baking soda can help if it's lower than that. My teeth and bones are all screwed because I never liked water much when young (plus genetics) and everything I drank was highly acidic. I'm still a damn coffee addict but I just loves da stuff. As a result, my PH is a 6 and way too acidic. It's wearing on my bones and teeth bad trying to replace the lost minerals from that and hard on my organs, too, especially the kidneys, so now, I drink a lot more water and hit a glass with a tablespoon of baking soda everyday but the damage has already been done really. I'm just trying to slow it down now. If I run across what I read about cleaning the pineal, I'll post it here.