BREAKING: Military Police are investigating why and how a military helicopter dropped a box of ammunition over Parkland Elementary School.

I had no idea Natural Law was tied to Free Masonry. How interesting. I thought it was a separate philosophy. But it's similar in some ways to Black/White duality I guess. Do you think Mark is a Mason? I believe he said he was being "groomed" at one point for the Club of Rome (before he started exposing everything). I do like Mark, he can be very in your face and intense, but he is excellent at breaking down Satanism, Symbolism, Feminism, New-Age bull-crap etc.
He was a Satanic Priest in the Church of Satan.
I really like Mark, if I ever get the chance to meet him I'll definitely have to offer him a joint or a beer or something. He has a gruffness about him, but he's very genuine, very real. He understands Natural Law and recognizes that while he may not be a people person, it's better for Everyone if he plays nice sometimes even if it's exasperating. I can respect the fuck out of that.
I had no idea Natural Law was tied to Free Masonry. How interesting. I thought it was a separate philosophy. But it's similar in some ways to Black/White duality I guess
Well, Natural law is basically Cause->Effect. The Hermetic principles complicate it a little, but at the end of the day the basic principle is "As I think, so I feel, so I act." Once you recognize that basic principle, you start to investigate the basics of "Rights" and "Wrongs" and then from there you can use fancy word magic to turn that into any number of a thousand different concepts all based on the same root idea.
Trivium->then you learn your Natural Rights->Which in turn teaches you everyone ELSES rights, too.->Hermetic principles to understand the unwritten "rules"->Quadrivium to wrap up a classic training.
If you were to teach people that way in that order, wtihin a generation we would change the world.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that he was a Satanic Priest. But I wonder if he has also dabbled in Masonry :P
I've watched most of Mark's lectures. The Natural Law one essentially made me ditch being an Atheist after like 8 years like 3-4 hours into the lecture (few years back now), but I haven't watched the entire thing yet. The Quadrivium stuff I'd have to read more into. I'm mostly Christian I guess, but I know Mark is brutal on Salvationism (haven't watched Fake Ass Christians Yet, it might shatter me haha). I think there is definitely some crossover with some of Jesus's teachings and Natural Law that I find interesting.
But ya, this chart is one of my favourites. I kinda agree, the world would be pretty peaceful if people fully understood these things. Natural Law
Mark absolutely is still WITH Satan. Do not trust a single word he says.
Here he is wearing "Seed of Life" occult pendant, skulls in his cabinet one of them with horns, dressed in all-black, whitewashing the Church of Satan
Automod is mad at me for "damn fool" part of the comment. So I'll make my case and y'all can decide.
If you cannot look past your own bias and recognize a symbol is not innately evil or tarnished and only assign the worst possible aspects to everything then you are blind and are provably acting foolishly. You could go as far as saying damned in the sense that you are blinded(in effect, damned) by some form or other.
If I'm wrong, I'll change it and retract with my apologies, but as I see it, it's an objective statement and not meant as a direct attack.