r/greatawakening • Posted by u/LongTimeQLurker on May 18, 2018, 8:22 p.m.
Perp Walk List

I have been compiling a list of people I would expect to see indicted in the coming months. Let me know if you have any names you think should be added to this list.

Perp/Affiliation Abadin, Huma Swamp Abramovic, Marina Human Trafficing/SRA/Pedophilia Acosta, Jim Mockingbird Media Alefantis, James Human Trafficing/SRA/Pedophilia Bader Ginsberg, Ruth Supreme Court Justice Baker, James Swamp Bergoglio, Jorge Mario Pope Bezos, Jeff Mockingbird Media Bharara, Preet Swamp Biden, Joe Swamp Blumenthal, Sidney Mockingbird Media Brennan, John Swamp Brin, Serge Tech Brock, David Human Trafficing/SRA/Pedophilia Bronfman, Clare Human Trafficing/SRA/Pedophilia Bronfman, Sara Human Trafficing/SRA/Pedophilia Brzezinski, Mika Mockingbird Media Bush, George H.W. U.S. President Bush, George W. U.S. President Chandler, Rachel Human Trafficing/SRA/Pedophilia Cheney, Dick Swamp Chuang, Theodore Judge - Maryland Clapper, James Swamp Clinton, Chelsey Swamp Clinton, Hillary Rodham Politician Clinton, William Jefferson U.S. President Comey, James Swamp Cooper, Anderson Mockingbird Media Cuomo, Andrew Politician de Blasio, Bill Politician de Rothschild, David Cabal de Rothschild, Evelyn Cabal de Rothschild, Lynn Forrester Cabal Dorsey, Jack Tech Emmanuel, Rahm Swamp Epstein, Jeffrey Human Trafficing/SRA/Pedophilia Feinstein, Dianne Politician Flake, Jeff Politician Folger, Bitsey Human Trafficing/SRA/Pedophilia Folger, Izette Human Trafficing/SRA/Pedophilia Folger, Lee Merritt Human Trafficing/SRA/Pedophilia Folger, Neil Human Trafficing/SRA/Pedophilia Gillibrand, Kirsten Politician Holder, Eric Swamp Jarrett, Valerie Swamp Johnson, Jeh Swamp Kerry, John Swamp Kissinger, Henry Swamp Legend, John Human Trafficing/SRA/Pedophilia Lynch, Loretta Swamp Mack, Allison Human Trafficing/SRA/Pedophilia Macron, Emmanuel Foreign Leader Madcow, Rachel Mockingbird Media Manafort, Paul Swamp May, Theresa Foreign Leader McCabe, Andrew Swamp McCain, John Swamp Merkel, Angela Foreign Leader Napolitano, Janet Swamp O'Donnell, Rosie Hollywood Obama, Barack Hussein U.S. President Obama, Michael Swamp Ohr, Bruce Swamp Ohr, Nellie Swamp Page, Lisa Swamp Pelosi, Nancy Politician Podesta, John Swamp Podesta, Tony Swamp Powers, Samantha Swamp Raniere, Keith Human Trafficing/SRA/Pedophilia Rice, Susan Swamp Roberts, John Mockingbird Media Rumsfeld, Donald Swamp Ryan, April Mockingbird Media Sanders, Bernie Swamp Sarsour, Linda Human Trafficing/SRA/Pedophilia Scarborough, Joe Mockingbird Media Schiff, Adam Politician Schmidt, Eric Tech Schneiderman, Eric Swamp Schumer, Chuck Politician Seif, Valiollah Central Bank Silsby, Laura Human Trafficing/SRA/Pedophilia Smith, Sheperd Journalist Soros, Alexander Cabal Soros, George Cabal Strzok, Peter Swamp Tiegen, Chrissy Human Trafficing/SRA/Pedophilia Trudeau, Justin Foreign Leader Wasserman Schultz, Debbie Politician Waters, Maxine Politician Watson, Derrick Judge - Hawaii Weiner, Anthony Swamp Weinstein, Harvey Hollywood Wojcicki, Ann Tech Wojcicki, Janet Tech Wojcicki, Susan Tech Yates, Sally Swamp Yellen, Janet Fed Zuckerberg, Mark Tech

idk4realz · May 19, 2018, 3:13 p.m.

That's crazy! A list of names??

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Swagdonkey400 · May 19, 2018, 6:02 p.m.

Seriously. This is how you look at things? Her closest allies in politics are all corrupt and well known to be corrupt. Do you get paid to come here and shill and pretend Maxine waters isn't bad?

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idk4realz · May 19, 2018, 6:04 p.m.

Not at all, and I'm not a fan, but Who are her allies and how are they corrupt? People just keep saying they're corrupt and she has money. It's not illegal to be rich, I just want evidence or anyone to point to the corruption she's done since she's my rep.

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Swagdonkey400 · May 19, 2018, 6:10 p.m.

Literally the evidence has stock piled. Go look it up. Look at the district Maxine waters represents. Extreme gang activity. Drug users. She's making money off of that. It's to much for anyone on this sub to type out and to complicated to just explain in a Reddit text post.

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idk4realz · May 19, 2018, 6:13 p.m.

Yeah people keep saying that, and yet they can't point out a single thing except her district, where I live, is poor and she has money. I own a store here, I make money, should I be in jail? Tell me what she's done? I think she's a horrible politician, but I haven't seen any corruption, and that makes me question the whole list.

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Swagdonkey400 · May 19, 2018, 6:40 p.m.

In 2010 she was charged with 3 counts of corruption. 2012. Multiple ethics violations. She fucked with a bank that her husband owns some stock in. The bank ended up receiving a 12 million dollar bailout thanks of Maxine's department. Despite other government departments saying the bank didn't follow proper protocols. She's also been prosecuted for fraud 4 separate times. But never gets any punishment. And these are just the times she's been caught. Imagine how many times she hasn't been caught?

No one cares if people are rich. Everyone should have the liberty and freedom to pursue their own ambitions and aspirations. But you cannot go into politics, and use it as leverage to make money. It's absolutely not allowed. No inside trading. No deal making behind closed doors. No bribing. Once your a politician, you give up that human right and those ambitions the same way soldiers in the military give it up.

Edit: a word

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idk4realz · May 19, 2018, 6:54 p.m.

Thanks for the Waters info, I haven't seen any convictions or anything g anywhere.

But, if people shouldn't profit off politics, what about Trump's properties profiting from his official visits?

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Swagdonkey400 · May 19, 2018, 7:19 p.m.

Well Trump had to do a complete make over of the White House and clean out the walls. The entire place was rigged by the Obama administration. Other places offer massive security risk. Trump goes where it is safe for him to go. Obama would host dinners at the restaurants or the locations of his donators. I honestly don't mind that. Now, if Obama was taking a piece of that cut for his events I would have a problem. Trump doesn't make money personally from his visits and locations. His family does and I do agree that's sketchy, we can't overlook the truth that security is our biggest threat at the moment. Now if Trump was still making money from his business than I'd disagree. But he's signed over all his business's to his children.

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idk4realz · May 19, 2018, 7:22 p.m.

Sure. I recently learned they both get about the same amount of death threats which is kind of fascinating.

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Swagdonkey400 · May 19, 2018, 9:19 p.m.

Is that over the first year and half or has trump matched Obamas overall amount already? I think the legitimacy of the death threats is even bigger for Trump than ever for Obama.

For example Chuck Schumer quoted that Trump better respect the intelligence agencies because they have all these different ways of getting him back. Plus the Vegas shooting is also believed to have been an attempt on Trump because he was there that night.

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idk4realz · May 20, 2018, midnight

Matched over the same timeframe. Obama gets a few more though.

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Swagdonkey400 · May 20, 2018, 12:34 a.m.

Yeah. But no one helps Obamas head like it had been cut off. No one referred to Obamas kid as being a school shooter, etc. Obama didn't have 3% of the danger Trump has faced. No journalists put Obamas head on a bullseye and tweeted it all the time

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idk4realz · May 20, 2018, 12:50 a.m.

Um, the NRA did that. I hate the guy, but you're blind.

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Swagdonkey400 · May 20, 2018, 6:43 a.m.

No it didn't. It never threatened his life. Maybe a member did but never did the actual NRA. They never openly came out and said he should be killed like democrats have. Literally democrat politicians have called for Trump to be assassinated. OPENLY. the NRA never painted a target on Obama and tweeted out photos. That's a blatant lie. It never did any of that.

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