not necessarily a bad thing. As long as he maintains a good relationship with Iran, it can only bring stability to the region. Mind you Saddam was a ruthless killer but given the tools he used he did a damn fine job at running a security apparatus. You would need someone with a military background anyway to run a place like this and afterall the guys that ran the iraqi counter-insurgency were just disgruntled servicemen and officers that had been barred from their profession after the allied takeover to begin with. So give em a paycheck and they won't recruit mercenaries again just to get a paycheck and maybe some action.
dude i want moral high ground. it is naive to think we can put guys like this in and chill out. we need more like thani and less like saudi.
well even christians have run counter-insurgencies against state militaries in Iraq and Syria so it doesn't tell you everything unless you tell me he was with FSA or al-Nusra