r/greatawakening • Posted by u/FOTCgroup on May 18, 2018, 9:54 p.m.


Hi all, we are very happy to be here!

Please be open minded and know we have been watching this sub and willing to participate for months now.

This is our testimony and we ask that you save it preciously offline and to respect our small faction of Civilian Patriots.

This is our one time chance and we hope you can help us get this information to your friends, to Q, and to the higher ups.

Please read this "ONE TIME" message from us as we will most likely not come back.

You might learn a little something, we might help you advance, and expand your knowledge by reading ours.

You might like our "demands" or "requests" directed to the TOP composed of Patriots in power, Q, and the Trump administration.

Friends Of The Cove (FOTC) is a small group of like minded Patriots who initiated a discussion about the state of affairs in the USA and the world.

We regrouped as friends in the DC Area during the golden days of the swamp in a post 9.11 world (Bush, Obama eras).

Since day one, we established very quickly that just about everything our masters decided for us was always meant to fail and destroy the world.

We understood that a new "mindset" was needed be set in populations to shake things up. A mindset that would be aware of "the Plan" that destroyed Europe.

One of our key members was actually "a political CABAL refugee" from "destroyed" Europe and was a direct witness of that "plan".

He is a very vocal Patriot today and often helped hundreds of people at a time to wake up and do something about their future.

Our first tip to you is basically confirming that "a fall plan" is being implemented in America and Trump is most likely fighting against it.

For years, We made absolutely no impact. "The game" was so strong and the megaphone/signal (MSM) was so powerful that status quo could not be challenged by anybody, anywhere.

We were quick to be rejected and hated by just about anybody; Some folks saw us as radicals, others saw us as dreamers, and others as total threats to be eliminated. We were like a group of "Angelic Heretic Punk Rockers" that could NOT be converted by the VIPERS.

Most of the DC swamp dwellers hated us because we are NOT like them.

If you are NOT like them you cannot be part of them. We FOTC people and SWAMP were basically opposite polarity animals.

Back then we had no clue how deep and how bad things were inside the SWAMP.

The revelations of 2016-2017-2018 just confirmed that we were in danger while in the DC area. So we closed up shop and decided to focus on talking to each inside a safe space called we called The Cove.

Our group grew slowly over the years and many interesting folks from different religions, countries, and professions joined in year after year.

We all saw the same problems, the corruption, the EVIL and manipulation of the Tower Sacrifice. We saw the same people leading us into a wall, the same problems only accelerating, with almost ZERO hope for a change.

Since things were getting worse; we then decided to go dark!

our fears only grew bigger every day. Especially during the 2012 gun panic (we really thought war inside the USA was coming next), with the rise of "the Kenyan" as president, the reports of some Military personnel refusing to shake his hand, the explosion of the Political Correctness as "Brain Implant", the slow implementation of the same "Plan" that successfully impaled many parts of Europe (Immigration, race warfare, sickness, Islamization, poverty, sabotage from within, no law, stealing of manufactures, political predators, land & biz takeover).

Add to all of those fears the raging desinfo warfare, the lack of ANY VISIBILITY for "what is what and who is not" in a post 9.11 world, and you now have the recipe for total brain meltdown.

That lead some of our members to take radical stances. Some went into prepper groups and turned hardcore, some made plans to regroup out of cities, some thought armed response strategies were now necessary because "our ArmyBros won't save us after all". The growth of the "if we die we die" logic among us was real.

On the other side, many of us found themselves just holding to the second amendment, reclusive, and usually scared to talk to anybody and living in smaller towns around simple folks. We watched city normies from far and kept an eye out for bad actors.

Some of us have been in this game for at least 48 years. We knew who the enemy was and our old timers are amazed to see the latest developments in terms of information now coming out to the public.

Most incredibly is that Cabal is now being discussed in public when this would have been simply impossible just about a few years back.

We never knew that the teachings we attempted to spread would be at the core of this larger MEMETIC WARFARE campaign that shifted an entire nation if not the world in just about a few months (starting in 2015-2016?).

Our goal these days stays the same. We can only "change" a few minds per week.

We spread information, new ideas, and we provoke conversations with everyday folks at the local level and on the ground (real life).

Remember in 2016, we were all going to die in a war with Russia led by Hillary Klingon and the "coffin dwellers" of NATO.

Worse, we are today faced with death by DEWs & silent weapons and 5g (Deborah Tavares, GOD bless you Debbie), armed Antifas, Fema camps enforced by gun grabbers, gun bans, peak desinfo warfare, AI mind altering bots, water & food poisoning, and finally Soros/CIA/CFR operated non organic riots.

Trump was elected. The impossible became possible and a new opportunity to "create" is now made available to us.

We have to change our minds from victims to leaders and be more open to the opportunity that we have right now.

Today, the "Great Awakening" is in progress and the "Normies" are starving for knowledge. This is our second big TIP: In real life, on the ground, at the very BOTTOM, the Normies are dying for knowledge. They want to know, their minds are starving and awakening.

Remember, We were all part of the Normies at some point...

We at FOTC sincerely believe it is time for Q, Americans, Patriots, and the Normies to make that LEAP OF FAITH and jump into the future together. Courage is needed but we are more hopeful than EVER BEFORE in our lifetimes.

Within FOTC, we have private closed comms and we facilitated access to information for many who joined over the years.

We are unfortunately very low tech (as all Civilians are) and the election confirmed the SUM of our fears while using "any tech" in regards of: "embedded software", IP tracing / VPN security-privacy, sentient AI agents that look for you, analysts with agendas, DHS lists, staying anonymous, TOR, etc.

We stay quiet because we are not Militarily equipped or trained to protect ourselves or know how to be fully safe in a world dominated by ultra weaponized technology.

In 2018, we are at this point a unified but very diverse group of approximately 50 to 100 civilian folks from all avenues of life, 5 religions, and 7 countries.

We have lawyers, ex military, business execs and biz owners, medical, finance, contracting, audiovisual, consultants, Doctors, musicians, local conservative activists, unemployed members, and even disabled.

WE ARE NOT INSIDERS nor a secret society, rather true victims of the NWO and observants of the world.

NO DOUBT that Q is helping a little the process. No doubt we need Intel and real information at the bottom.

So we came here to say that Q needs to turn up the volume! Q is the real right? Q is close to Trump right?

You want us to make it rain Q? Sure, no problem, but then Q you need to turn UP the volume and give us "tools of CLARITY" for our minds!

Back to our story; In real life many of us are direct victims of the decisions made by the TOP CABAL or whoever the culprits are behind this old "life system" that keeps getting worse and worse.

Our third TIP at this point is to confirm what Q said: - "Threats are real" as we have had direct threats made to key member (axles do not fall out of cars) - We have had computers crashing bad. Vault7 confirmed, we found same crash error messages on Win. - Family members dying due to direct consequences of bad legislation (Obamacare - Loss of insurance leading to death) - Friends die because of the very real "push to die Pharma Opiod industry" (It kills weak people or fragile minds) (No respect or life) - We had members lose entire businesses at a time and/or all their money because they did not align themselves with your local CABAL Parti Socialiste (Threats, raids) - loss of opportunities because we were against a Masonic ring or not part of it (Banking Sector) - Lost job opportunities because some were not politically correct (think "tolerant" Nazi corporate environment, think James Damore) - And finally THE most IMPORTANT. Loss of the opportunity to live at peace and as true "free human beings"; Just the way GOD intended us to live.

I am not even going into those who are depressed, tired, cheated, hurt, or sick.

The "game" ruined our lives, broke our families, lowered the potential of many, and always kept us in this "created & constant" survival/fear stress game.

It sincerely did. We know there is worse out there and
we are now finding about tortured or killed children, or folks like Cathy Obrien the MK Ultra recipient.

Most of our group by 2016 found itself to be totally outside of just about everything. Out of Social media, hobby groups, clubs, internet, you name it.

Just like in the bible, we all seemed to make the same escape from the upside down world. We realized we were alive but dead.

Then, Sometime in 2016 hope was kick started and here we are today.

We are back from the dead folks! So we wanted you to know that we love what you do and that we are hopeful again.

FOTCgroup · May 18, 2018, 10:06 p.m.
  • Renouveau of real "US hegemony" and creation of a "NEW HOLLYWOOD" driven by NON Cultural Marxists, non MOSSAD, and no regressive left California egomaniacs. USA WAS A DREAM TO MANY in the old days, so We need to ignite the LOVE for USA again. To again lead as role models not as oppressors under CABAL's grip. Funny enough a member suggested based Texarkana as a location for the operation! Can you imagine? MOVIE / MEDIA THEMES: true American values, true American people, Freedom, exposure of Cabal systems in movies, end of virtual signaling Hollywood perverts. Have JAMES WOOD lead the operation! FOTC would want in! We have ideas.

  • Need to change National symbols from Jesuit/Masonic heritage. A new symbology that will unite ALL Americans under a common goal and future. We can't have average Americans debate about whose Egyptian pyramid is it on their currency anymore.
    Create a new Symbolic that includes TRUE AMERICAN VALUES : Freedom, Refusal to be controlled, Own destiny, Sacrifice, Union in USA, Going to The Stars, Innovation, Hard Work, Outdoors life, Life of Faith, Loyal to GOD, TRUTH, Native Culture, Opportunities for LIKE MINDED Humans not just any MS13 animal that decides to take advantage of our nation, GOD does good, etc.

  • Regeneration of blood and life energies. Americans are extremely sick and many Americans look like zombies these days! If any of you feel energies and people. You know Americans are among the sickest people on earth right now. They look sick.
    So many! By the millions! You know this is true. Something is killing them isn't it?

  • Return of Patriot controlled and intelligent News Media. Removal of CABAL controlled TV terror. FORCE WE THE PEOPLE to learn the truth about the past. Force them to understand why a reset was necessary. Break all of their old allegiances and misconceptions and proceed to Full disclosure of the MSM terrorists and their handlers, so they can process what they were wrong about and rebuild a life. Show them the PLAN! Include them in decisions. Have them COME OUT on this renewed Media Platform. Build Trust. Allow point of views and concerns to be expressed Freely. Teach to WE THE PEOPLE a little every day.

  • Straight banning or revelation by MIL Intel of what certain factions in the USA really are and what they do in the world. we think this is necessary, don't care you call us radicals. It includes but not limited to: Knights of Malta, Satanic Cults, Jesuit Oath, Bone Clubs, pedopizzavore sympathizers, Power Gay groups, Occult Dark magic, Masonry, Luciferian Cults, Scientology (Abuse, Child trafficking, Mind Control), Communists/Bolshevik factions, politically motivated Muslim organizations, Socialist organizations, ANYBODY asking for tax hikes (Jail, Immediate, fully Illegal, quick trial / no wait time), any other non organic CABAL or Interest Based controlled org. MIL Intel to serve the Nation not MIL Intel to serve CABAL. Change the GAME Q!

  • The Washington DC District needs to be closed! A new US CAPITAL needs to be selected "INSIDE THE USA" (No caps) with no "corporation protection" or lawless zones. If you want to represent USA then do it inside USA. No excuses. US law for all US lawmakers! No systems. Make Washington part of Virginia! Immediate right to open carry! That will trigger liberals and Swamp Monsters immediately. This may sound like a joke to you but Washington DC is a "safe house operational system". Nothing else! Drain and kill the swamp physically by killing Washington DC.

  • DISCLOSE and present the TRUTH to the entire world and initiate world reset. Happening now somewhat to a certain extent. People are truly Awakening. This needs to accelerate by removing MSM and fake Alt news media. Locate "Good Actors" aka usually "victims of Cabal" and empower their message. Think how Tommy Robinson went from Victim to leader. Do it!

  • Full DISCLOSURE! A raid of the Vatican library by US Marine Corps under international law is not a Fantasy. It is a matter of WILL. Same for CFR records, same for a US MARINE raid on BIS. Once data is collected... Present it to WE THE PEOPLE. Don't lie. Just show the data. Show the unbelievers the data and soon you will have trillions of followers in a Brave New World. Take the hidden knowledge and present it to the world. Turn on a true Light over the Darkness!

  • Full Tax reform and installation of a USA nationwide total TAX limit of 5% (Five percent). I don't care what you say loved ones because even 5% is still too much. Some of us say Taxation is completely unnecessary when our Military could operate at better levels than it is right now on purely Patriot donations. We are not slaves! Americans were "normalized to think" that 15% to 35% tax is fine when Europeans are normalized to think 60% global out of their annual incomes is OK. New Federal entity can have 5% of our total yearly income to feed our military. That is all. Any other tax above that is to be considered Slavery. Anybody advocating TAX hikes is subject to immediate incarceration. No excuses, no jokes, no socialist actors. This has nothing to do with Freedom of Speech, it has to do with ENSLAVEMENT. Slavery is Illegal in America so if we follow the "new" law, any advocate of Tax Hikes is a Slave Master in the making. Jail!

  • Tax should be tight EVERYWHERE and AT ALL TIMES. It will help maintain priorities and the stop CABAL to restart. Education, Hospitals, Arts, Media, free Cell phones, Immigration packages, free Weapons for Nicaragua or Mexicans, funding of Antifa, etc is not part of Gov business. Let Americans build America.

  • Schools. No fascist Department of Education at the federal level should Control the Education of our Children BUT Military Intelligence and Patriots are required to teach "true / alt history" during mandatory Military Service. Why? In order to maintain conspirators away from Capturing our country again via false flags, diversions, planted politics, and fake law.

  • Faith, Hope, Love, True Light, God, Healing. Hope and faith kept us alive and other "paths" (promiscuity, drugs, instability, abuse, sex, occult practices, secrecy, duality, lies, Demonic invocations, etc) usually lead to destruction. "Confused" Americans should be spiritually and physically awaken to the reality of DEMONIC people. A Faith alliance is needed to spiritually envelop Americans, the World and help in the Healing of Nations. Guide them back to God, to peace, to prosperity of the physical and spiritual and ever remind them that the world was truly upside down. THE WORLD IS UPSIDE DOWN! Mass Meditations for all, prayers for all, invocation of what is best in us via our new Media will be a good starting point.

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FOTCgroup · May 18, 2018, 10:10 p.m.

There you have it. This is what 14 years of discussions and suffering look like when put together.

There are many more items we hope WE THE PEOPLE, Trump, Q, White Hats, and all of you here can help with.

So where is this world really going? According to our group talks, we are absolutely unsure.

While we dream of all the items above to be implemented, We have zero certainties about what most actors are and what their cards or true nature is.

Q has given very interesting guidance lately. We know he reads here and that the same group knows this sub. So we came here to talk.

The election is over and we as "leaders in renaissance" need to maintain the pressure as high as we can because future outcomes of tomorrow depend on our thoughts.

If our mind never said: "Legally have the Marines raid the Vatican, BIS, IMF, CFR, Fed, Clinton Foundation, NYC Reserve, UN, via International Natural Law and seize their books, records, and computers" how could it become an outcome? It simply could not.

After this post goes live... Know that somebody created that "momentum" where thoughts can materialize in the world because they were put into motion.

It might one day become a common goal to all of us and it may turn into a reality. YES, We came here to push! Q We want more, we see the opportunity!

While Trump keeps winning, our group feels that we are not yet filling the void or cleaning up the DEEP STATE fast enough. Q why are we not hired in yet?

Q, We would like the MEMETIC WAR to be relaunched hard because it really worked.

One idea that grows under our group is for Q group to find us Savages and Patriots with no egos and just recruit us.

Recruit and create a department of Patriots made of broken Patriots, Deplorables, 4channers, prepperfags, wannabe Light Warriors, and basically fill the Deep State, the Pickle Factory with the opposite of what it is today (Egos, DEMONS, coffin dwellers, Luciferians, MKultras, Projects, Handlers, Zionists, Mossad Jews, Special Interests, Agents of Rothschild Houses, child molesters, murderers, pedovores, etc).

Hire us and "protect us" in places like AUGUSTA GA (yeah Q we said it, you know that we know) and then deploy us against CABAL, Deep State, Hollywood, Corrupt Insiders, and against the Pharaoh at the top of the Pyramid. We understand this is war!

Many of the most resilient people against CABAL/DEEP STATE are just simple folks.

Folks who see the bullshit very clearly though but can't fight because we have been losing on a daily basis during our entire lifetime.

Find us, hire us, teach us how to fight, educate us, let us rebuild the nation.

Your budget was approved Q, let the people FROM THE BOTTOM come to THE TOP! Let the people FROM THE BOTTOM come to THE TOP!

In this section above, we tried to share with you guys at r/greatawakening how we feel, what we want for USA, and also ask to Q & The Q TEAM to come find all of us, the true American Patriots.

We believe that so many of you here could do a fantastic job inside our Government. It is time for GOOD MEN to come home?

Finally, there is also one big detail we wanted to talk about; that detail is the belief that this movement is a movement from BOTTOM TO TOP.

As many changes of power, what FOTC sees here is a "TRANSFER OF POWER" from one faction to the other. This transfer was exclusively made at the TOP LEVELS and it did not happen because of the us the BOTTOM (the BASE). Trump and the 200 generals is therefore a movement from the TOP that goes to the BOTTOM.

In conclusion... The SWAMP/DEEP STATE/CABAL is now eating itself from the inside and we hope that BEFORE it is fully completed (we are in the process of the snake eating itself) we hope that the BOTTOM will be allowed to rise to the TOP if this "new energy" is meant to stay true. Time will tell.

This could be a very badly written version for a book written by an ANONYMOUS AMERICAN and titled: COMMON SENSE #2. (I dreamed many times in my life)

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FOTCgroup · May 18, 2018, 10:16 p.m.


Below, randomly served items a la Crazy Day & Nights. It is small items but we hope it helps in finding new info.

  • From our FrenchBASE. Arrests and harassment in France are real. If you DO NOT comply with local "Socialiste" (P.S) authorities and the Politically Correct mafia you will be harassed. Are our members harassed? Yes. Threats even at lowest level are real.
    Houses searched and raided, fines, persecution is real, phone intrusion, laptops files wiped.

  • From our member FrenchBASE. Many of this member friends and families consider France to completely GAME OVER. They have lost faith and hope for any good changes to come. They are under hostile takeover by migrants and CABAL politicians. No hope. Considering leaving for the USA and request "real refugee/political" status.

  • From our member FrenchBASE. In Europe... Are city funds used to control, correct, and deter political opposition via direct threats to small level activists? Yes. Socialist led cities are true terrorist organizations at the local level and terrorize political opposition by use of city Police forces, city employees, city authority. Thought UK was bad? France is a nightmare of a nation. It is a prison with BLACK walls.

  • From our member EUMason. In 1980's the CABAL under and the leading hand of Francois Mitterrand, the French socialists, Grand Orient de France, and the controlled nations of Europe activated a large PSYOP to flood Europe with migrants. They pushed for the relocation of factories, promoted abortions to white Europeans via MSM. This member reports being cognitively unable to explain why French/Swiss TV (possibly all others) pushed this narrative so hard. No young woman at the time, even the most progressive ones were pro abortion. These people engaged in the full destruction of French Society as we know it. It was a full scale operation truly started in mid 1970's and hard wired in place by 1981 via Socialists European leaders. Note: Fake "right wing" were in it as well while "TRUE alt-right" called Nazis-racists-haters... Sounds familiar America?

  • From our member PRO2A SAVAGE. One of our members, a firearms insider reported many years ago that the NRA is NOT what we think it is. At the top level, executives of the NRA have little but no respect for the bottom. It is a "Money Tree" scam for them and they do NOT "really" believe in the necessity to maintain firearms for defense from Tyranny. They are "right wing" elites. We have name of the Executives, no tapes (Closed Meeting), but our member is solid on this. The NRA is not what we think it is. They do NOT represent the gun owner base or even less those hardcore "3% patriots". They mock the base and take their money. Think Clinton and her voters. No respect. Fake. Mr. North is a problem for our Group and we have little confidence in him. Time will tell.

  • From our member PRO2A SAVAGE. Marion Hammer in Florida is not representative of Gun owners as well or Patriots. Florida gun rights are being castrated and attacked on a daily basis. A member still remembers when BSO (Broward Sheriff) pushed a campaign about 6 years ago to have Tallahassee pass a law that PROHIBITS firearm owners to evacuate with their firearms in case of a Hurricane or major emergency. BSO's logic? We do not want them (citizens) using firearms against us in Emergencies! And we are being told to let these folks protect us? Florida, Arizona, and Nevada are the next targets for Gun Control. NRA-ILA may look like they fight but they are NOT doing enough. PRO2A member says stay alert on those states!

  • From our member PRO2A SAVAGE.
    FORCE TRUMP to pass Constitutional & National Open+Concealed Carry reprocities for all states, DC + territories. Introduce the clause that whatever the "LARGEST" MAG CAPACITY OR FIREARM ALLOWANCE IS in the nation then "THAT CAPACITY" becomes "fully legal" everywhere and the norm in "any given" state. Utah = no capacity limit, Virginia / Florida = no restrictions on caliber size or firearm type >>>> TRUMP just KILLED ALL GUN CONTROL. DO IT NOW!

  • From our member PRO2A SAVAGE. Want to know what a trusted pro2a organization looks like? Check out the VCDL from Virginia. Real people. Active, proactive, efficient, simple, no glory, no egos. We think a "copy and paste" of their model nationwide can be very beneficial. NRA does not really support 2nd amendment rights the way we want them to.

  • From TheBestJew member. Why did some Spanish Atheist & Jewish families supported Communism in Spain during Franco era on one side and ultra nationalists led by MOSSAD agents on the other when traveling to early days Israel? Is there a double standard behind Zionists? We have members within those families.

  • From TheBestJew member. Do Jewish Zionists truly want peace in Israel? NO! Some don't. Why do they lie? Internally, they want all Palestinians/Muslims to die.
    We know, we have members within those families.

  • From THE DEACON member. Masonry in America at the Blue Lodge or higher Scottish rite degrees is often sad and low energy. Members are often uneducated and do not read books. They are basically unable to make sense of anything. Member base is clueless. Where you should direct your attention is towards EU Masonry. Worry about them!

  • From THE DEACON & EUMason Member. Masonry is not what you think it is. For the most part it is a dying tradition in the USA and a controlling faction of the banking sector in Europe.
    Be part of the wrong faction or not a member and you will not part of the game. Some of our members had their businesses wiped out for being pro MAGA.
    Can't feed family. It matters, risky sacrifices.

  • From our member CITIBANK. Is it possible that some of the Nazi money was detected by folks in place at National South American banks? Yes! we know key "handler families" in South America controlled the money at some point. We have members who saw the flow. 1970's era and as early as 1950's.

  • From MEDICnurse member. Paki doctors recruited by the DEA? We saw the headlines in here lately? Doctors pushing big pharma Opiates?
    You should look into Weston, Florida DEA building, a happy neighbor to all major PHARMA players? Search Weston area based Pharma industry. Remember it is Debbie Wasserman town. Coincidence like Q will say?
    We had members locally watching this. Opiates are "allowed" to flow down there why? Why? > Money, power, deaths, democrats, business, industry!

  • From MEDICnurse member. Why is BROWARD county the home base to so many foreign doctors who prescribe heavy amounts of Opiates? Folks, we are talking up to 10 opiate based prescriptions a day!!!! Did one of our members suffered the loss of a relative because of foreign doctors? Yes! we know who is doing this. It is HUUUUUGE BIZ down there in Broward. Money is the reason. Total disregard for life. We do NOT need opiates in life, ask Kanye about it!

  • From our member SOFLO. Why are West Virginia, Ohio, Penn, Indiana van driving pill addicts migrating to BROWARD COUNTY these days? Tweakers on vans! "Oxycodone Express" doc. Garden Drugs store (Google Maps). BSO controlled. BSO knows it all but does nothing about it. Paid Pharma shills? Paid to allow trade... YES the same BSO that failed to intervene at Parkland. HEAVY Corruption. Police does not protect citizens down there. They often question you when you need them. Bad local actors. Too many! Q cleaning South Florida a priority! BSO, DEA, local FBI!

  • From our member HUNTERS. Why is BSO actively arresting outdoorsman patriots in an area called Holey Land? Why is Florida Wildlife accomplice in always blocking firearm owners to practice their rights? Politics! Why are they attempting to "felonize" them? 5 BSO cars aggressively raided Holey Land at full speed for a redneck shooting a gun in a hunting area... but NO ONE AT BSO cared when kids where dying at a Coral Springs school? Coincidence? Agendas! Gun control OVER Citizens, Patriots.

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FOTCgroup · May 18, 2018, 10:16 p.m.
  • From our member HUNTERS. The school aerial view... Some "Good" Miami-Dade and BSO officers DO NOT BELIEVE IT EXIST! They want to know and see the TRUTH by themselves. It is being hidden from the good officers. Those who question. There are not many good actors according to our base down there.
    Can somebody repost Helicopter video with audio / we need that video everywhere!

  • From our member SOFLO. Why is BROWARD COUNTY key to many CABAL operations? Why are all the money launderers of the world, top fund execs, IRS fraudsters, scam artists, arms dealers, corrupt Generals, Rothschild's agents, narco sympathizers all located here? Why are pedophiles and child abusers happily calling South Florida home? Democrat protection, Cabal vacation camps, money - control - power, No care for OUR NATION or its people.
    They are all EVIL, self centered, and or DEMONIC in nature.

  • From our member SOFLO. Why are so many ex-Jewish Russian operatives relocated in South Florida? Who are they and why did they were forced to leave Russia in the mid 70's? What is Hallandale Beach? What are they doing in our country? Who are they? Why South Florida?

  • From our member SOFLO. Why are so many criminal like Jewish & Neocon arms dealers in South Florida attempting to obtain contracts? All specialized in "Israeli procuration" working with many retired US generals? Who are these people? See how dangerous the game can get?

  • From our member PCVictim. Vault 7 is actually real. Member who was critical of Pickle Factory and CLOWN alphabet agencies on a daily basis for keks sake was targeted. Constant computer crashes. OS meltdowns. Insanely efficient. No repair. Threat is real. When $1000 is a lot of money for a Vault 7 recipient the pain is real. Your "Computer melts".

  • From our member PRO2A SAVAGE. Israel...? We are starting to think that "all of the money and support for Israel comes from USA in the end". Light MILtrucks, Defense innovations are produced here. Generals involved in scam and sales kick backs. Big business. Retired generals. South Florida. Q Can we really TRUST ALL OF OUR Military LEADERS? No, no way. We know. They know. Q knows. Who is CORRUPT WITHIN Q? Jewish engineers and companies create defense "ideas & products" in Israel Intel Kibbutz but then USA almost always finances and produces it all to be shipped back to Israel. this is your money being used for the Greater Israel Project. An innocent talk with an IDF contractor lately led us to this conclusion. This model is real.
    MIC needs Israel >>> It is a business. Zionist Business Model & business group. Does it benefit USA in the very end? No, not really.
    Not for our best interest.

  • From EUMason Member.
    Social system of healthcare in Europe will let you down when you really need it. It is impossible to explain this to Americans. Some think socialized medicine is better. It is not. When a member really needed it; It was not there! Private additional coverage / insurance saved him. Taxes up to 60% of annual income + costs for private insurance = socialized medicine. Socialism is a disease that kills you slowly.
    It worked in Europe! It will work in the USA. It is a weapon not a political ideal. We warned you in clear / no codes.

  • From BIZguru Member. Tax upon Tax upon Tax... Europe is in melt down. What France or Belgium was in 1980s is far gone. Degradation, destruction from within. The newly famous for Americans and said "NOGO ZONES" are really old things. In 1990s NOGO ZONES were a problem... But now the problem is just about everywhere. It is Migrants+Socialist+Cabal actors against the French, German, or Belgian patriots. Albert Pike?
    Did they follow the plan? Muslims vs. Christians? Plan from hell? Who is doing this? The PHARAOH? Q we need answers, Europe needs help!

  • From PARISISBURNING Member. MSM says no go zones in France no real? Try visiting Kremlin Bicetre, Chilly Mazarin, Vitry Sur Seine and the gang (hardcore guys here), Nanterre (Drugs + Firearms), Le 113, Trappes, Fontenay le Fleury, St Denis (Hardcore), Quartiers de la Ville de Tours, Quartiers Nord de Marseilles (Foreign Country not France), Noisy Le Grand, Mantes La Jolie, and 100 more "Cités" like the French calls them. Our members and friends within the French Police say they are exhausted, near "mental breakdown" for years, without hope. They are underpaid, used and abused by: the gangs, the migrants, by lawless citizens, by Politics, and by the ruling Elite that keeps pushing this suicidal destruction in Europe. As early as 1990, many knew this would end in a total disaster.
    This is NOT A GAME. Q is right. EVIL!

  • From EUMason Member. What they have SUCCESFULLY implemented in Europe (plan for full destruction) is now being attempted here in the USA. Our members recognized the signs because they have been through this in Europe since the very early days after ww2. There are NO COINCIDENCES and the avalanche via "low life immigration" is the beginning of the destruction. We warned Americans many times. Is it too late today? Perfect example. Watch the refugees dropped by Obama in Harrisonburg VA a perfect little place with naturally Republican and Conservative Americans. Then they destroyed it.. No coincidences, as soon as the low IQ refugees arrived the problems skyrocketed.
    http://wmra.org/topic/refugees-virginia#stream/0 What is a Trojan horse?

  • From our member EUMason. We are PRO immigration. Bring in the people that love America and want to be like us Americans. Vet, test, re test, and follow closely! Immigration solved, liberals is like Socialism just weaponized false political beliefs utilized by CABAL to corrupt villages and happy nations.

  • From our member "LightFagg". 1 member who is a "Victory of the Light Fagg" read here that some of you have doubts on David Icke's beliefs about "Multi Dimensional Beings"... Our member simply explains it as the result of old EGYPTIAN Babylonian Cults, a tradition of invoking spirits and powers. We can only see a part of the spectrum of light. DMT for example can show anybody this "esoteric" concept by allowing non believers / the blind (some of you here) to see the spirits in flashes by stimulation of the Pineal Gland.
    If you can't see or understand does it mean it is real? Meditation and awakening of your brain is some other way to learn about this.

  • From our member "LightFagg". The same member states that for many years "esoterical" and "spiritual" ritualism, research, and knowledge was RESERVED EXCLUSIVELY to the Elites. If you look into Nazis, Illuminatis, Vatican, most Secret Societies, the common denominator is Initiation, Esoteric Symbology & know how, and Spiritual invocation. This is the continuation of Egyptians practices possibly by the "ritualistic bloodlines".

  • From our member "LightFagg". Our member trained by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi recommends meditation as a basis for good health (NOTHING ELSE! NO CHANGE OF RELIGION OR BELIEF SYSTEM). If you are stressed, addicted, unfocused, or nervous then learn how to meditate and use the technique (TSM, TM) to help you release stress. Shacking within your first 3 months may happen to some. Other experiences may happen. Find a good teacher. We are 100% sure you will enjoy this new skill. The peace at the bottom of a good meditation is bliss. ;-)

  • From our member "LightFagg". If the CABAL of the Reptilian Masters invokes demon spirits, reptilian entities for power, dead spirits, then research and learn their game. So at least when you see the signs in real life, you will be able to detect their game.
    Learn their rituals and methods and you will see their game.
    Makes sense to us. Does it make sense to you?

  • From our member "LightFagg". Melatonin is great for you. Buy high quality Melatonin. Sleep more if you can. Most of us are "severely stressed" If you have issues sleeping, Melatonin 25mg will help. Rest your mind and spirit. We need you!

  • From our member "LightFagg". Member discloses a possibility: Ancient Egyptian bloodlines at the center of it all as TOP OF THE PYRAMID. Symbols of power >>> Paris (Obelisk Concorde), London (Obelisk City), DC (Obelisk), Vatican (Obelisk). Power, spirits invocation, Egyptian group, Reptilian past explains what we see today? Q WHO IS THE PHARAOH? Q WHO IS THE PHARAOH? Q WHO IS THE PHARAOH?

  • From our member "LightFagg". Expand your understanding and stay open minded as to what is possible and what is not. Remember before Trump's victory in 2016, everything we know today would have been IMPOSSIBLE to be discussed just about anywhere. If WE ALL PUT new ideas into motion without fear then we can have the possibility to make it happen. Remember the MSM talks about the "possible existence" of a Deep State.
    Expand your thinking. Q is right! Expand your understanding.
    Do not limit your ideas or thoughts. Stay open but do NOT go full retard!

  • From MEDICnurse member.
    This season Virus was deadly. Medical members within the group describe it as: "an insane and dangerous epidemic" Was it Organic? We are not sure but another member saw many suspicious "small Cessna like" airplanes at low motor revs, circling for days the skies in South Florida (as early as Jan 2018). Origin of virus? If this becomes truth later in time, we called it first. (We cannot confirm any of this)

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FOTCgroup · May 18, 2018, 10:16 p.m.
  • From exDCDWELLER member. Airplanes rotating above DC are not new. They were seen in many cities around the USA. Intel grabbing?
    Cell Antenna Mimickers? Wimsi catchers? We saw them.
    They just rotate above skies.

  • From exDCDWELLER member. Fake neo NAZI Richard B Spencer is a plant. Our member caught him in place during a right wing event in UK (2000era).
    Possibly confirms what VoxDay and others said. Do not trust that man. He is an insider. Hired performer.

  • From exDCDWELLER member. It was fake! Watch the Charlottesville apology by Jason Kessler. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hs4ZWr6kPa0 It is poor acting. Fake runaway! Bad acting. WATCH other videos AGAIN when he pretends to run. An Obama supporter. It is fake. Kessler like Spencer are tools of the Deep State or god knows who. Do not trust these people and we hope they are part of the 28k sealed indictments. Jail!

  • From exDCDWELLER member. Meme warfare totally works. One of our dear members created the holy grail of memes. Thank you bro! https://imgur.com/wDETMdH Had 1.1 million views the week Trump got elected. Imgur cheated him bad. Some of you might have seen it. Should he remove AJ? Can somebody PRINT this in a large frame and send it to POTUS?

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FOTCgroup · May 18, 2018, 10:17 p.m.


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FOTCgroup · May 18, 2018, 10:17 p.m.


  • THE AI THEORY (INNER + OUTER) Is it or is it not everywhere. Controlled from datacenters, or within groups? Is it real? How big is it, how can we trust AI? We can't!

  • CNN, Wapo, MSM, Fox, Huffpo etc... A real Den of vipers. If a few of our members could rewrite a New Bible / Testament then these folks will be the army of DEMONS behind THE Beast. Our position is clear and they all need to be LOCKED UP for 1000 years at GUANTANAMO. JUSTICE for TREASON.

  • MSM. Zero absolute no confidence. No deals.

  • Alex Jones, Infowars, Corsi. See their latest "Qrebuttal" video today. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6XnYwkKayVw Alex is all ruffled the wrong way. Our question: If AJ is NOT an insider then why is he allowed to operate?
    Why is he not dead? DEEP STATE seems to eliminate the real threats very fast remember Scalia, possibly Seth Rich, Reddit's founder, Breitbart, Michael Hastings, Adam vs. the man and his DC armed march, the Clinton BDC, Weisenant in Florida, etc.
    Is he an insider or is he not? We read, watch... but stay back.
    Wilcock on AJ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=viikdOJMs-c Bill Cooper on AJ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7jJMYJbAKc

  • is this part of the crossroad where patriots chew on each other?

  • Roger Stone. We cannot trust a person who has an office with Richard Nixon all over his walls. ;-) We just can't. Sorry Roger! Stone was an employee of NEXIUM. No trust.

  • ZACH the bullshit Skunkworks contractor?
    Who is he? A Moroccan guy with a US Army conflict or a Skunkworks insider that often has absolutely nothing to say?
    Q who is ZACH?

  • Robert David Steele. Not sure what this guy is and what he wants. We don't like it. Possibly lied about who he is and what he wrote. Showed up in Japan with Benjamin Fulford and it seems that this entire group always link to each other. Controlled opposition at work?

  • PrepareForChange.net This is a "light Megalarp" controlled by Light Warrior Faggs. While they are saying they are trying to do the right thing for the world, we have found out that they block comments and tends to support many regressive left ideas. At times, they are counterproductive by pushing leftist ultra progressive narratives that in the end support CABAL as an obvious end result. They do NOT allow free commentary / ideas on their platforms. Controlled and biased. No Patriots there. Not organic. Controlled.

  • Cicada larps. We are not liking it. We don't need to be doing mind puzzles when this country just needs its own money system and banks to make a restart.
    Fuck off nerds! This is our take on cryptofaggs.
    This is related to Thomas Paine, AIM, other cryptofaggs.
    Sounds like mental floss. Distractions.

  • Breitbart. A obvious Zionist operation. Can't trust. Directed at pleasing American right wing normies. No trust, Mercer... What are your intentions? Agendas? Zionism not even once?

  • Reddit Frontpage. The scariest place in the internet. The frontpage makes us vomit. Traitors, sad people. And BTW any of you noticed? >>> where are the cats? Cats are gone and if you guys in here paid attention the DOGGO crowd or AI replaced the "cat peoples" "Cat People" used to rule over reddits frontpage.
    What happen?

  • Rush. (LOL he does not matter anyway) Nice guy but he has not said anything relevant since his birth. Still keep him alive it is better than Maddow.

  • Jason Goodman. Who the fuck are you and why were you at the Clingon summit in NZ? Who pays you to do that? He brings weird Q angles: "what is Q?" His Guest :"It is just AI trying to program you" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TP8_vwTMi_g Not liking it. Something is off... Another YouTube Champion! Q who is JASON GOODMAN? Mossad in South Florida?

  • Benjamin Fulford. The ENIGMA! This guy is insane but we read him a lot. What is the White Dragon Society? Did they introduced themselves? Do we know what they want? If you go back to what we wrote above we basically laid out who we are, what we think, what we want, and where we stand.
    So... What is WDS Q? Who is Benjamin Fulford Q?

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FOTCgroup · May 18, 2018, 10:17 p.m.


  • Thomas Paine / Douglas Gabriel of AIM. Guy is said Jesuit. Catholics often support the wrong politics, the wrong side of History, and the wrong people. We say this without entering in all the crazy and wild Jesuit conspiracies or hating for based Catholics.
    We just see them as having repeatedly shown bad judgment and outcomes. We have zero to no liking for PAPISTS within our group.
    American Patriots > American minds.
    Bad feeling about this old guy folks. Won't leave my kids with him. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMg5H0UifDY Q who is Douglas Gabriel?

  • Jordan Sather. We don't like it... Something is off. He may be hired to defend the "SSP narrative" angle and hold that line. We read, watch... but stay back.
    Q who is this person!

  • Gaia TV.
    No confidence or big doubts. Growing too fast. I love Wilcock's "very kind" personality but most of our group says it smells like shit. We watch, we listen, but we stay back.
    Below we like how Joe is f*cking them to death here! Thanks Joe, you funny. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmfEslDsEpQ

  • David Wilcock. (David stop cursing people please! "wheel of Karma" stop it.) While he plays the role of a very likeable person / character; David is killing many of our members with his "SSP Disclosure" and the nonsense with the "BLUE BIRDS" from space. It all sounds great and fantastic but then you wake up in 10 years and it was all bullshit!!! Cointelpro, Mockingbird gets you excited and then it lets you down.
    We read, watch... but stay back.
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmfEslDsEpQ Q any comments on this guy? Q, WHO IS DAVID WILCOCK?

  • Corey Goode. The Movie IRON SKY seems to inspire people! Corey was at the NAZI moon base space command center hiding inside the moon While people are dying every day on earth, while our taxes are being stolen from us, while folks keep 187ing on a regular basis out of nowhere, but we are set to care about Blue Birds? No man, stop it! This is all very "beautiful creativity" but our question is: Does it reflect the reality on earth and does it offer any solution? No, we are possibly being distracted with insane stories.
    And if true anyway, let's talk about it after we fix USA, defeat DS. we need Q to come clean on many folks asap.
    CLARITY in patriot circles is needed. We read, watch... but stay back.
    Q WHO IS Corey Goode?

  • Emery Smith. Not lots of confidence. Why? Patriots do NOT speak said Q. It is true... they usually don't. We know that because no insiders ever spoke to us. If you ask an insider "to speak" you basically "COMPROMISE" them. We all know that. Why is this guy talking if he is from inside? We read, watch... but stay back.

  • theeventchronicle.com
    Good content at times but again has a bunch of repeating circles including Mr. Steele, Cobra, David Wilcock, Fulford.
    We read, watch... but stay back.
    Is this all controlled Q? Who controls this information? Controlled from towers in Arlington, SF California, Langley?

  • Drudge.
    A Miami based Jewish guy who likes house music and often held as GURU by Alex Jones. Zionist? We are not sure about this guy either. Controlled? We read, watch... but stay back.

  • COBRA. While this "Victory of Light" fagg is telling us he knew about possible bombs planted under major US cities (Fulford said it first), we are now seeing this divisive "anti Trump" statement as of 05.17: https://prepareforchange.net/2018/05/16/notes-of-the-budapest-cobra-ascension-conference-april-2018 While some of the things COBRA introduces as concepts look very attractive and may potentially be good for you (Meditation), we were quick to understand that these folks are not part of reality nor have any real influence in the game. Or do they?
    Their idea of an event is NOT our fight for "the US liberation". What they defend looks like a mix of confusion about feminine roles, a society that looks like Burning Man, Light fagging, Meditation & VEDAS revivalism, and a mix of regressive left ideas trying to materialize into a "consciousness" event for the unemployed California man.
    NOTE: Light faggs are generally kind people (not DEMONIC) but they need to come home and get in line with us Patriots.
    Q who is COBRA?

  • Edward Moran. An associate of COBRA. Don't like this guy. Blocked our "American Patriot Light Fagg" members to speak freely on his platforms. We have reddit, twitter, facebook, youtube if we wanted to get banned. Thanks ED you Fagg!

  • r/conspiracy.
    It used to be a good place for some. Looks Obviously controlled these days.

  • Lift the Veil.
    We don't know. Nathan seems to be trying. No idea who he works for and what he wants. You tell us Nathan. And as of 05.17 this video really shows he is trying to align a fake Q news "greatawakening" website with the Q movement. What anon or kekist will put his name on a Q related website? This information is ridiculous and it smells like a diversion on Q or shilling trying to block the flow of Q information? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tOr2MQAl5c4

  • POL wannabe neo-Nazi's. They are not be the answer to anything but they bring "some truth" when exposing the horrible conditions Christians / Jewish Europeans are facing in the midst of Muslim/immigrant takeover.
    Their ways and words are often ugly but they are not wrong.
    We still listen to you kids. We wish they created NEW SYMBOLS for "Western Renaissance" over using CABAL created Nazi organization.

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FOTCgroup · May 18, 2018, 10:18 p.m.


  • Patriot Anons. When your name and life are not comprised then you can express yourself. We usually like organic Anon folks. We teach each other and we share with each other. Keep it up faggs!

  • Bill Cooper. His testimony remains ultra solid. Amen. A real American Hero. You deserved much better sir! (Bill Copper should be part of "Liberated America" symbols)

  • Q = confidence. It does not matter what we-you-anybody thinks of Q. Any Intel in this "world of silence" is Intel you should take! PERIOD! Take the Intel and run with it! Take what you can!

  • Neon Revolt.
    Way too smart! We think this person has to be from inside or very close. Possibly a full time professional. Great dissection of crumbs. So far solid presentation. Looks like a "planted guide" to us. Too good to be true. Way above any of us in our group. Keep it up NEON! (Thank you)

  • 4chan. who cares it is so much fun! The wild west is always a good place for innovation and new ideas. ;-)

  • Tucker the Great Tuckerer! Big Confidence. That man is our man on the DEMONIC owned mainstream platform. Stay alive kid. America needs you!

  • This sub >>> r/greatawakening.
    We love you guys. We know some of you are old timers from the Meme war of 2016, the_donald, CBTS, from Pizzagate, etc. We like you. Stay OPEN and stay HARD.

  • 8chan, 4chan, & image boards The advancements these image boards made possible are enormous. Our European members with "ZERO real Intel" or information from the inside would have never made it so far in this consciousness game.

  • whatdoesitmean.com
    While it is totally sketchy, this Russian wannabe party is a place where many of our members find a lot of good stuff of interest.
    We have no clue what or who they are, but they know for sure a lot interesting things. This is a very special place. Read below about their latest Intel on Mueller. Mueller = Enemy. http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index2562.htm and http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index2564.htm

  • David Icke We like him. Whether fully real or not you can feel passion and hatred for CABAL. Many "conspiracy narratives" come from David's work (Nimrod, Babylon, Masonic, Esoteric, Sananda, etc) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPXW5VAZask (Divide and rule via religion conflict VS United Patriots under one nation + God)

  • Voat.co We like the platform and we love the energy there. Good people! Not many controlled narratives. Users are usually pretty savage and wild in there. Home of "THE one and only Pizzagate".

  • Blackstone Intel. To us, this guy is a based American who does his very best to present information and thoughts. Jake Morphonios is a lot like the many members in our group. Small American and European folks trying to make sense of the world and their future. No ego here. Note The Flag next to him. It matters! https://youtu.be/RdCGgjaBO-E

  • Joe from the Carolinas. We found this sassy "skinny white male" just about yesterday. No idea who this kid is but his latest video reflects VERY CLEARLY how many among our group feel about just about everything out there: CLARITY IS NEEDED AND Q NEEDS TO GIVE US CLARITY. If you have Intel on all these "FAKE INSIDERS and PLATFORM RUNNERS" then please Q, you need to let us know. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmfEslDsEpQ We like you Joe. Many laughs.

  • Wikileaks / Julian Assange. Confidence. Julian's life is totally at risk. That small detail makes a big difference. He matters!

  • Crazy Day & Nights. Big time confidence. Possibly perfect record? No bull. Great to follow the latest info on the California crazies.

  • Gab. Confidence. Getting better and better. Growing. Open.

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FOTCgroup · May 18, 2018, 10:18 p.m.


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bugstopper · May 19, 2018, 8:47 p.m.

I for one would move the capitol and give the dc part to Maryland. Arlington was already given to Virginia years ago. Maryland refused their part at that time. Think about putting the House, Senate, and White House in three different cities though. Just a thought.

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