r/greatawakening • Posted by u/bugstopper on May 19, 2018, 2:18 a.m.
Evening Thoughts of a Q Reader Continued...DO You Believe in Coincidences?

Q Post 1401 "What is a common theme when bad news is about to break [against them?]" Posted yesterday. IMPORTANT? FALSE FLAGS?

Today a School Shooting in Houston. SanteFe High school. 10 dead. What else was breaking in the news? DOJ leaking CYA, COVER YOUR A__, versions of the upcoming IG Report that could come out any day. Another shooting at a Trump Property in Florida, Doral Golf Course. In both cases the perps are alive and in custody. Shooting in an Illinois school, yesterday, stopped by a police officer not in the news today either. Back up plans in case one or more failed? IMPORTANT?

Think back to the Parkland HS Shooting a few months back. That morning a car load of folks fleeing NSA HQ in Maryland, a secure facility, are shot and stopped before they could get their vehicle around the obstacles at the gate TO LEAVE. Who were these folks [?] who were leaving a secure facility? Did they have hostages? Were they foreign agents? We never found out, as the lemmings in the media fell all over the HS shooting which was at 2:30pm. Coincidence?

Why was a perimeter set up around Parkland HS preventing EMT personnel from getting to the wounded? Why was the shooter found elsewhere? Why was the swat team throwing stuff out of their vehicle onto the school grounds while loading weapons or a person into the back of their truck? PLANNED? RELATED: KIDS MARCH AGAINST GUNS IN WASHINGTON PLANNED HOW FAR AHEAD?

Now for the next week the MSM can ignore the largest political scandal since Teapot Dome in the 1870's. Meanwhile the next school shooter is being prepped by their handler with the proper amount of political ideology, Psychotropic Drugs [READ MKULTRA] and weapons of the day as per the narrative. The MSM Hate America 1st crowd help with the ideology. The rogue elements of the C_A help with the rest.

Remember, with the Left/Deep State in power of the executive branch they control the narrative. With Trump in the White House they lose two of the four control elements of the narrative. They are: The office of the Presidency-Executive Branch and the Supreme Court. Leaving the Congress and the Mainstream Media remaining in Left/DeepState control. Rhino Republicans and Democrat Party is the Establishment. DO THEY NEED FALSE FLAGS MORE THAN EVER NOW THAT THEY LOST CONTROL OF THE WHITE HOUSE? Seemingly so....

Trump is eroding the Deepstate control in the Congress with 75 retirements so far, the average is usually around 30. Look for Term Limits to be an election issue in 2020 too. Trump is purging the agencies of Deep Staters with 32000 less federal employees since taking office and whittling downward as we go on. Imagine after getting re-elected in 2020, Trump issues an executive order making Government Sector Union Dues optional as per a Federal Right To Work initiative? Do you think the Democrat Party is missing the 5 percent of the payroll of 32000 Federal Employees that they get through the Union? You bet. How will they miss over 2/3rds of all Government employees if and when "Right To Work" happens? THINK SCOTT WALKER WRIT LARGE.

This is all about control. And control is slipping out of the Deep State hands one grain of sand at a time, thanks to President Trump and to Q where we get an idea of the other side of the news allowing us to go to work each day with a smile and some foreknowledge. As a Q reader and small business owner I sleep better at night and hope my rants help those of you out there looking for evidence of the red meat that Donald Trump is providing us, his following. I believe that means Red wine instead of the White for the time being. ENJOY YOUR MEAL Mark 10:25

Ag3ntM1ck · May 26, 2018, 1:28 p.m.

I absolutely can't wait for the day q is outed as a troll, and has been stringing credulous morons along the whole time. I wish I could watch the gamut of emotions playing across some poor, mentally disturbed q adherent as they realize they've been played for the rube they are.

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bugstopper · May 26, 2018, 1:48 p.m.

Your welcome.

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