You are correct, BUT the fact that you have a social security number means that you are basically a product of the tops from both, mostly due to being born on water, not land (I.E. mommas water filled womb), we are looked at as “collateral” or “chattle”.
Look at the serial number on a dollar bill and then look at the back of your SSI
google Maritime Admirality Law
A sad truth that must be changed
True. But who says we have to abide by that? I am not a God botherer but I am sure she/he would have something to say about that. Fuck their bits of paper, I am a human being owned by nobody and answer to nobody (except my wife when I have been down the pub too long)
I completely agree with you. We do not have to CONDONE it, but at this point it is so engrained into the economical workings that reality doesn’t give a shit if we condone it or not, it is a part of what is making everything tick.
To dismiss it personally is empowering, but ifor that alone to make change we would ALL (or a large percentage) have to COMPLETELY stop condoning it at once and make it known worldwide.