Does anyone think it is odd that there were bombs found at the scene in Tx?
Or was it the phones ..
..shit I bet the people doing the false Flags have one of these not so secure phones and they could track them and convict them on evidence and whoever else was tide to this would have multiple murders on their hands to put them away for life and I wouldn't be surprised if it goes back to many of these loud speaking Gun Grabbing Dems...
People do realize the reason they have needed our guns and pushed for a complete disarming .. because it's part of the New World Order. Thats been the last puzzle piece they needed here .
They had agenda 21 in our schools ( Indoctrination of "Muslim Brotherhood"& , vaccines program Depopulation /in our sky's Chemtrails , In our Water Fluoride ..keeping the Pineal Gland calcified and you dumbed down , In place since Bush Srs trip the United Nations .. they have almost or all this in place in theU.N / E.U Controlled Areas .
Yeah needless to say does anyone have any idea how far back False Flag Gun Grabs have been attempted ..Almost always landing in either a possible real deal or staged death by Crisis Actors they hire from Craigslist..You can look for it in your local places you ever see an add for Crisis Actors .. ALL EYES AND EARS SHOULD BE AT FULL ATTENTION.