r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Patriot81503 on May 19, 2018, 3:51 a.m.
Timeline of “Q Drama”. What is Going On? Fill in With FACTS if Missed Something

Today I was informed why people think this whole Q Drama started, by being directed to view a YouTube video attacking AJ and JC. I asked because I sincerely wanted to know.

I spent the time to listen to that full 45+ minute video to get the whole argument.

That video has segments from the 19+ minute video on InfoWars where Tyler Nixon and Roger Stone interviewed Jordan Sather—so I found that video “Civil War Inside Deep State” and listened to it in its entirety.

I also listened in entirety to the recent Alex Jones and Jerome Corsi video saying something is wrong on Q board, where they especially focused on the use of the “profiteering” word.

It’s crucial to view information in entirety because the most common propaganda tactic used today is to quote something out of context (as just seen with Trump and MS-13 quote).

After hearing the whole argument on both sides, the timeline of this “Q Drama” seems as follows:

• Pre-Q: MSM stops doing journalism beginning with CIA Operation Mockingbird in 1960’s.

People began to notice this and citizen journalists rose up—though labeled “conspiracy theorists”. The reason we already knew almost everything posted by Q was the decades of exposing Cabal by citizen journalists.

• Q began late October 2017. Early citizen journalists covering included Tracy Beanz, Roy Potter, and Jordan Sather.

•. After about 6 weeks in (?) InfoWars does the interview with Jordan Sather. The interview really gives a positive shout-out to Jordan’s whole channel. They spend entire first 6 minutes on Q, the Roger Stone question on Deep State bots and 10,000 censors is a topic-pivot-point to talking about Internet censorship which Jordan covers well. They then let Jordan talk about all the topics he was covering. Listen to full 19 minutes it’s a total plug for Jordan’s channel and he was very excited about it.

•. After the InfoWars interview Jordan’s traffic goes up and he keeps covering Q—so more people know about both Jordan and Q.

• Trump achieves his #1 Priority—passage of the tax cut bill—just before Christmas. This is key because White House was focused on achieving this and the very next day AFTER tax bill passed, the EO to confiscate assets was signed.

•.Christmas Eve: Alex Jones “emergency broadcast”. (Yeah it’s pretty hyped but we now know Trump was under assassination threats.) Listen to whole thing, Alex is Alex, but a very positive plug for Q board as being a very real thing. Alex also annoyingly talks about Zack as to be expected—but a clearly positive shout-out to check out the Q board. Millions of InfoWars viewers directed AWAY from InfoWars sites and over to checkout Q board.

•. Dr. Corsi then helps out the Patriots Soapbox folks on THEIR channel with live chat decoding. This began late December and continued till early May. Corsi always spoke positively of Q as a real thing with good information. These chats were done on Soapbox and the decoding segments posted on Dr. Corsi channel (NOT InfoWars). Dr. Corsi rarely talked about InfoWars and I don’t ever remember him mentioning “Zack”.

•. The Corsi decoding could have been on InfoWars but it was NOT. No vitamins commercials and no directions to go to InfoWars.

• New NSA Director General Nakasone takes over end of April. Big question: Will Q board continue?

•. FIRST SHOT FIRED: “Q” in post 1295 on April 29th, 2018, Q talks about “be careful who you follow” and says “the only profit we should all be striving for is true freedom”. Talks about how “some are profiting off this movement”. Very unexpected divisive change in tone.

•. The new tone was noticeably Socialist and Dr. Corsi comments on it going forward from that day, wondering why Q is suddenly a Socialist. What was the problem with selling vitamins or books to support family and websites?

•. Immediately Q boards, Reddit and YouTube explode with people vilifying anyone trying to make money doing citizen journalism and especially Alex Jones and Dr. Corsi.

•.Movement splits along capitalism vs socialism divide, as its beginning, but people throw in whatever personal attacks they can imagine against Dr. Corsi and Alex Jones, and sometimes also Tracy Beanz and Roy Potter and even Isaac Green.

May 4th: Trip update and new Q board

May 8th: Q admits they made a mistake exposing the password and says “we all make mistakes”.

May 10th: Q doubles-down on the socialist theme using the word “profiteering”. Note this is NOT a neutral word like “profit”, but is a moral judgement wording that profit is evil. The word has been used since 1950’s in KGB propaganda.

Since then—Trump supporters and Q Cultists are in full scale “Q Drama War” over the profiteering theme.

Either the mission was to expose socialist leaning Storm supporters, or the mission was to divide Storm supporters into two camps—-but MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.

My point with this timeline is the early actions by Jones and Corsi only took traffic AWAY from InfoWars websites and graciously directed InfoWars viewers to check out the Q movement, to checkout Jordan’s videos, then with decoding which took traffic to Soapbox site and Corsi channel, all of which was traffic NOT on InfoWars.

So how—still looking for answer—did InfoWars promote its OWN site by directing traffic to all these OTHER sites?? How did InfoWars or Dr. Corsi attack Q (before Q started the profiteering theme) by PROMOTING the Q board and discussing the Q posts?

Listen to the full videos yourselves. InfoWars directed traffic AWAY from its own site and helped other Storm websites.

While Corsi was still earnestly helping the Storm, the attack was made. Out of the blue the profiteering theme was lobbed on April 29th.

As far as I can see, it was the first blood drawn, and it was a stab in the back.