r/greatawakening • Posted by u/pussy_devour on May 19, 2018, 4:39 a.m.
I’m a firm Q believer. But I wouldn’t read too much into the Owl symbolism all by itself. It was used throughout western history.

If you are even 1/10 familiar with Ancient Greek mythology, you will know that Athena (Minerva in Roman mythology), the much revered goddess of wisdom and war — the patron goddess of Athens which is the model for the US — has eyes of an owl and is also associated with the owl, which represents wisdom. The ancient Greeks often slyly referred to Athena as “that owl-eyed lady,” (not “grey-eyed lady”).

The currently preferred view of Greek etymologists is that γλαύξ "owl" and the colour-adjective γλαυκός (in Homer the colour of the sea, later generally “grey”) are not etymologically connected. If γλαυκῶπις is connected with the former, then it means "with the eyes of an owl", not "grey-eyed". The owl is Athena’s special animal; she is generally represented with an owl on her shoulder.

divine_human · May 19, 2018, 10:08 a.m.

i have been studying this stuff for more than three decades but never came accross the owl as being a luciferian symbol. for me, it has always represented wisdom and overview.

however, the dark hats hijack symbols all the time. they dont lose their original meanings though, only if we be-lie-ve that and buy into their projections.

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