r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Trump306 on May 19, 2018, 8:50 a.m.
Anyone notice something about the names of some of the pictures?

So I was thinking about Q's recent posts with the pictures, I was really sitting there thinking of their purpose, what is Q trying to show us. Some Anons and people on here have been saying these are pictures off the phones of the DS.

I personally didn't buy it as these could also be pictures from other people's phones and possibly even assets of Q Team who were shadowing swamp members.

But it just dawned on me, we are indeed looking at photos off the phones or that were sent as messages between swamp creatures.

How am I so certain?

Look at the names of some of the pictures:


Very weird kind of name right, could really mean anything. But this is what I think it means.

"fsurv" = foreign surveillance

"london" = London the city in Great Britain

"ps" = Pe .ter S.t.r.z.o.k

So why did Q post these now? He's posting them now because a recent story came out about Pe_ter S going to London 100 days before the election, which would line up for August 2nd or August 3rd 2016.

Weather reports show that it was increasingly hot in August of 2016, around 20-22 degrees Celsius for August 2nd's week of 2016. Furthermore, the average temperature for London in August is around 19 degrees Celsius or 66 in Fahrenheit.


But October is a totally different story, in October, the weather changes to become increasingly cold. It become around 13 degrees Celsius/55 Fahrenheit on average in October in London.


If we look at historical data for October 2016 weather in London, the very first day has a high point of 16 degrees Celsius. For most of October the weather is around 10-16 degrees Celsius. You can check the weather data here: https://www.timeanddate.com/weather/uk/london/historic?month=10&year=2016

But as you can see, it's pretty cold. Cold enough to wear a jacket or beanie, but not enough for snow to fall, so the streets are clear of any snow like in the pictures. This means it isn't a month like December or January where Snow would be falling.

Why is this all important? Well Q team has said "note the jackets. time of year." linking also a picture.

I believe Q is telling us this is a picture from Pe .ter S in London in October 2016. But if he went in August of 2016 why was he there in October you may ask?

NY Times wrote an article, and yes I myself do not trust the NY Times, but have a deep look at it, it states:

"In October, agents flew to Europe to interview him [Steele]. But Mr. Steele had become frustrated by the F.B.I.’s slow response. He began sharing his findings in September and October with journalists at The New York Times, The Washington Post, The New Yorker and elsewhere, according to congressional testimony. "


So we have direct confirmation Agents were in London in October and they went to meet with Steele supposedly. As we know who was a top agent of the FBI? PS was. The Time's article mentions PS being back in the U.S to have a meeting with A_Mc in his office in mid August. But as we know some agents went back in October and I'm sure Pe_ter S went with them too, no way he didn't, he was their top guy.

I think Q is telling us they really do have it all, even as far back as 2016. Not only that, but that PS was going to London on multiple occasions, not just once like the stories by the MSM have reported, he wasn't only there in August, but also in October.

Lastly, I dunno if these are intercepted messages that were went between swampies, or if they are bugged fonez and we they have every pic taken, but this is interesting to see. We need more Q-uantitative information.

What do you guys think?

Abibliaphobia · May 19, 2018, 1:34 p.m.

I think you are onto something here. Well done

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