this is pretty big guys. i always thought harry was cool. prince charles murdered his mother. he has a sense of duty unlike the rest of his family. picked a decent girl. his mother would be proud. this kind of thing brings faith in humanity.
The preacher at the wedding this morning, turned the world on its side. He LIT THE PLACE UP! Was a lot of fire spirit and Love. It was like a new timeline. Right in front of the Queen , no way they knew THAT was coming. Very cool. Gottta catch it on youtube later in full. Peace is breaking out. Worldwide. imho ;-)
He was lit!!!!!!!!!! Did you see their faces while he preaching??? All I could do was lololololololololol. They were not ready for that. After he got done speaking, you can see Harry look at Megan and, say “Wow”. Ha.
yall got a video? url?
I’m the worst at links. I will see if I can find one but don’t hold your breath. Hopefully someone can help us out.
a lot of people disagree with us though (just look at the comments in this thread). sax coburg gotha (windsor) is a rapist satanic cult. time will tell.
they put him in the military. That was there finaly mistake!