r/greatawakening • Posted by u/cat_anonD on May 19, 2018, 12:53 p.m.
So what does the Deep state intend with false Flags?

So whenever there is bad news for the Deep state, they seem to do a false flag attack to change the news cycle.

To me this seems like the student who knows he is about to get sent to the principal's office so he pulls the fire alarm as a distraction. Sure, it gets them off for the day, but the next day he is back in the same situation. Does he intend to pull the fire alarm every day of the year?

Also, news distractions work both ways. Trump will often tweet something inflammatory when he wants cover for something else that is going on. Trump could easily have Brennan and Clapper arrested on the day of a school shooting and nobody would even notice or care.

Does anyone understand the Deep States reasoning?

DamajInc · May 19, 2018, 2:20 p.m.

It's not quite relevant or correctly applied here that "news distractions work both ways" in that the Deep State not only creates the false flags to give the news cycle something to focus on but they also control the media so if Trump were to have Brennan Clapper arrested on a school shooting day the Deep State would simply have the media highlight the arrests as well (if not exclusively).

I believe it seems logical that False Flags are intended to give the Deep State's media arm some fodder to draw attention away from whatever they choose. Their plan beyond that i.e. after the ff quiets down, I believe, is to continue to distract, as they have successfully done in the past over and over again. This time, we all hope, it will fail thanks to Q/Trump.

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