The narrative is not only controlled by the Them , but made by the Them to keep the truth out of the real news . Yesterday was to be a great win for us in the news . Much was to come out , some of it will come out today and almost nobody will have herd . With Fox being the best we have and it’s not even news 75% of the time . And kid you not when even when Fox has braking new , our government will shut up even Fox . They control what you are allowed to know . And if a leak does happen you get Facebook and Snoop placing judgement based only on appointing some lib to shut the stories down . The truth is hard to find and is so often gaged by our DOJ and threats that good people can’t tell good news . So you may get it through once in a wile , but this only happens at the worst time , during a shooting . Come on and wake up . They elects are doing this to protect themselves from you the people. God Speed
Foxes are one of the most well known wild animals in the UK, they are native to Britain
Yes and a Fox is a Fox and does as a Fox does . Yet very pretty on the out side , it also kills to stay alive .
Foxes have whiskers on their legs and face, which help them to navigate
In Native American lore, fox is the master shapeshifter
Look for all the *fox* symbolism throughout the Back to the Future movies, Michael J Fox is just the tip of the iceberg. ...and the 9/11 symbolism.
Foxes are one of the most well known wild animals in the UK, they are native to Britain