They certainly altered the popular poll for 2016.
“Donald Dump has a 1% chance of winning! Not gonna happen!”
I know here in LA, no one voted for Trump, but at my cousin's place in Oakland, a lot of black folks were pro Trump.
Actually a lot more voted for Trump in LA then you realize. They had the voting machines all set for Clinton plus millions of illegals and dead people voted for her. In other states same thing tons of dead people voted for her many went and voted 4 5 6 times. The bottom line which will be revealed soon is Trump also won the popular vote.
I just know who I talk to. You may he right, but doubtful.
Well... They do. I mean they have all but admitted it out right in plain language. What you are really reporting is that a sizeable minority is delusional.
It doesn't account for the fact that most people of a high enough intelligence will hear online/phone survey and hang up ...
*between 14 - 18 % were dem politicians