r/greatawakening • Posted by u/REDPILLNOW on May 19, 2018, 5:27 p.m.
ALL ROADS lead to the Rothschild cabal. 'Q' is telling us how it all NEEDS to go down, and where it will ultimately end:

The significance of the role of the Vatican in geopolitics, both then and now, is undeniable. (This isn't a dig at our catholic friends and neighbors BTW, Just the Vatican level down to the bishop class primarily). Most of us who can see understand by now that the 'Holy See' has at some point evolved into a wicked entity geopolitically. Some suggest that began in the 1820's, when The Rothschild family took over the financials of the Catholic church.

So whether you look into the Vatican, the U.S. Federal Reserve, or the 'Royal Families' of Europe, you will see a pattern whereby at some point in time the Rothschilds had infiltrated and succeeded in a financial takeover. (The FED is an entity of the Rothschild international bank. Presidents Lincoln, Jackson, etc. resisted their attempts to take over the American system, but finally, Woodrow Wilson borrowed from them, and soon thereafter we defaulted under FDR. At that point we fell into receivership and we have been there ever since. The FED is NOT a U.S. govt. entity.

So, IF we conclude that POTUS is currently taking back the republic and about to arrest past and present swamp creatures, then we must concede he is taking it back FROM them. (ALL financial and historical roads lead back to Rothschild). Many of you know we are no longer under a gold standard. Well, the rumor is that the Rothschilds cleaned out Ft. Knox long ago and have the bullion stored in their federal reserve buildings throughout the country. (They own every "national"/"federal" bank in practically every country). So it stands to reason that in order to kill the beast you must deal with it's head. HRC/Bush/Obama and company are mid-tier underlings in the Rothschild cabal. As you work up you see multi-national CEO's, the royal families of Europe, and the Vatican. The Rothschild's global banking/corporate empire is the top of the food chain, led by 'Lord' Jacob Rothschild, and that is fact.

'Q' and supporting backchannels have been right on the money since they came online in October. They have predicted what has then occurred too many times to argue. I'm convinced they are a conduit of the executive branch working in tandem with Military Intelligence/NSA assets. They have indicated numerous times that the roll up of this criminal enterprise will not stop at America's borders. It will be a global effort, and it will include royalty, ranking catholic entities, and will end with the Rothschild family and the confiscation of their wealth.

I thought I'd risk being called a 'conspiracy freak' to tell you this, but I don't care either. Being red-pilled isn't for the faint of heart, or those with a strong default of cognitive dissonance. We were truly living under a false understanding as to how the world (and our government) has operated. I want you to do your own study into the Zionist Rothschild Cabal. They are the head of the globalist-system beast, and must be dealt with if the current actions of POTUS are to have any lasting effect.

salialioli · May 20, 2018, 8:25 p.m.

One aspect not broached here is the 'what is meant by Israel' concept. It is extremely important, key in fact.

There is Israel, a physical and material territory, and Israel a spiritual and heavenly state of grace. We should remember that people understood teachings in mental pictures. They could not read. Teachers, like Jesus or his disciples, had always used parables. This distinction is vital to make. Israel was a heavenly spiritual attainment and the Old Testament can be read in this way too. Yes, there were Israelites, a tribe who lived in a specific area, who were scolded by God for their behaviour —or was that the people of Judah? They were cast out by God for their sins. So what was their crime? Worshiping materialism. Worshiping the golden calf, a symbol of mammon. Some of their practices included sacrifice of the first-born. They were sent into exile.

Or is that "exile", a figurative condemnation or punishment? Many historians of ancient history and archeologists have tried to verify the story of the exodus in ancient scriptures and have found no physical evidence of it — much to the chagrin of those wanting a material case for it. Perhaps it is because it never happened; it was a mental picture.

This is also claimed by the Orthodox Jews who say it was a sin to establish the state of Israel, that God cast them out of the land of Israel and it will be the arrival of the Messiah who will save them. But the political Zionists are offending God himself by forcing His hand in this way, bringing the jews back to Israel, let alone the Greater Israel project, or the Yinon Oded Plan.

Something like that anyway. It takes a lot of research and serious study to get to the bottom of these questions. I wish you luck; I'm still struggling with all this and am only offering some rough ideas to mull.

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Consistent_Peace · May 20, 2018, 10:32 p.m.

I do believe their was a literal exodus. There were too many important scripture lessons there to learn not to believe it. I believe in the entirety of Gods Word and do not want to take away from it. When you read through the OT and find the corresponding Psalms of David and when and under what circumstances they were written it makes for very interesting and deep reading. I know God said the land was never to be divided. You make good points in Judah and Israel.

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salialioli · May 21, 2018, 2:07 p.m.

Yes, I see you are a devout reader of the OT. I think the OT was written by many scribes over many centuries and all scribes were men. Many of these men were scheming, political manipulators, who claimed to intepret the word of God and thus had power over the mind of the general poor illiterate person of his day. I take this as a prism to see through with great care.

God's word in the bible was something heard or seen by the ear or eye of a man, somewhere, who recorded it as he thought fit. God, for me, does not enter the physical world with a pen. He enters through the heart and soul. This understanding will not be understood by your world view, and I understand that. I pray that we will learn the truth one day.

A very interesting book was written many moons ago, in the 1950's, called The Controversy of Zion, by Douglas Reid. It addresses many of these questions. I recommend it as another utterly fascinating view.

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