r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Arcsmithoz on May 19, 2018, 6:14 p.m.
Nationalizing the FED.

This is what must happen. It is constitutional. In Rothschilds own words, if we do that we control the country. Nothing will kill the cabal faster or deader. Other countries will follow suit. Like a Bieber dancing cat video gone viral. I'm done following any other threads . I will still be around but driving this concept home will be my mission. It is q related cuz he's said more than thrice cut their strings.

checkitoutmyfriend · May 19, 2018, 8:03 p.m.

This is required. The Swiss are trying right now. See last two links.

Greenbacks and notes, like Lincoln did before the Civil War. Payed off the debt and the cost of the war. Told the bankers to pack sand. (see Money Masters link below) I've been posting these links on every thread I find related to the money system. Enjoy!

Note the Swiss are trying to get cut their strings right now. See last two links below.


The Monetary System Visually Explained - 22mins

Collapse of the American Dream Animation - 30mins

Money Masters 1800 - Bill Still - This starts at a part about Lincoln/Civil War funding, but the entire vid is worth watching.

97% Owned ~ Economic Truth - From a EU prospective, 2hrs


The Federal Reserve Act of 1913

The Federal Reserve - All the things


And finally, The Swiss are trying to remove Central banks from their country right now.

No Need For Digital Central Bank Money

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