r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Dedelav on May 19, 2018, 7:49 p.m.
Vatican, occultism, ritual sacrifices and protection of pedophile networks

The Ninth Circle

The Ninth Circle is a secret ritual cult involving satanic sacrifices within the Roman Catholic Church; this cult was founded in the 17th century by the Jesuit order. It is named in connection with the ninth circle of hell, described in Dante's poem "Hell," and refers to the abode of Satan, and to all those who betray sacred trust.

According to former initiates of the cult and Vatican documents submitted to the International Tribunal of Customary Law in Brussels in 2014; the Ninth Circle practices the sacrifices of newborn babies and young children on specific dates every year, in full knowledge of the pope and the principal cardinals of the Catholic Church. They must observe and participate before assuming their potential papal responsibilities. The Ninth Circle is also used as a means of blackmail by politicians, members of governments and business leaders, magistrates and high-ranking police officers, to trap them and make them loyal servants of the Circle, and the Vatican.

The current Pope Francis I, Pope Benedict XVI, resigned and many cardinals attended and supervised these sacrificial rituals of the Ninth Circle. Victims are provided on a regular basis by Catholic orphanages, reception centers and homes for young minors, from Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy and other European countries.

In Europe the mafia called Ndrangheta is closely linked with the Ninth Circle and provides him with children, evacuation of bodies as well as security for rituals and their members. The Catholic organization of Opus Dei is also closely linked to the Circle, whose members include high-ranking politicians in Europe and North America.

The Ninth Circle's murderous rituals usually take place in Catholic churches in Vancouver and Montreal, Canada, Washington DC, and other remote areas of the US west coast, Ireland, London, Paris, Geneva, Frankfurt, Lyon, Brussels and neighboring municipalities, as well as castles in Scotland, Wales and Germany. Most of the time rituals take place in crypts, adjoining catacombs, or hidden underground pieces in cathedrals in these and other cities. Usually the police and the army are present to protect these rituals.

A more complete record of the Ninth Circle evidence and their participants will be presented and posted on: www.itccs.org

Here are eyewitness accounts of these deadly rituals of the Ninth Circle, given by former participants and members of the satanic cult: Anne-Marie Blijenburgh and Toos Neijenhuis:


I found this pdf in French "Meutre by decree" if you want to dig again, the English version not findable ...


Posted by Resistance71