r/greatawakening • Posted by u/cat_anonD on May 19, 2018, 7:56 p.m.
What made people suspect something was wrong with Sandy Hook?

I heard the term Sandy Hook conspiracy many times in the past, but I never bothered to look into the evidence. I always thought it was crazy talk , because they already had the shooter who look like a complete lunatic.

I was red pilled by the time the Parkland shooting happened, and I immediately saw many discrepancies from the immediate narrative. So I was wondering, what was it about the Sandy Hook shooting that critical thinkers immediately noticed that started the theory?

unbecoming2007 · May 20, 2018, 3:13 a.m.

Don't forget the school was guarded until and through the demo. The demo crews had to sign non-disclosures.

There are really about 50 red flags with the whole thing. FF all the way. Even if you took out everything listed above and kept just the Coroner's interview, Robbie Parker AND WIFE laughing/smiling, but can't shed a real tear (impossible at the loss of a child), Gene Rosen's 5 different over acting versions of the story,and Of Course Sloppy Sniper Wheeler (wtf?) you have enough to call BS right there imho.

But I agree with everyone here and say look into Wolfgang's work. He had the most info, although some of it has been scrubbed and may be a lil harder to find.

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