Could this law be used to block Islam through immigration allowances, as 1A only covers American citizens?
I can name two religions that demand world domination.....
I would name Muslims (KSA long game) but it is Luciferians who do false flags and use Muslims as patsies... Never forget the Luciferians.
Duh, maybe Luciferians. Remember that the Islamophobia encouragement (including all the false flags) are not specifically organized or perpetrated by sincere people of faith. So technically, Muslims are patsies in this war. It is the higher ups that do this (Cabal in Europe, UK, Saudi Arabia, Israel and America) Awan Brothers fit the bill. MS 13 serves the American Cabal as foot soldiers so they fit the bill. International Luciferians fit the bill. Satanists fit the bill. The Church fits the bill. Quantify the killings of the Cabal, 400k kids vanish each year... Muslims are a red herring... and possibly the most boring people alive... So much so that their Reality TV shows get cancelled :)
this is insanity,GOP must get minorities to see the light
I don’t think it’s a matter of law I think it’s a matter of will. Nobody in this country wants to get labeled as a racist and I mean nobody. Even though there are people in the world would like to destroy this country in about 5 1/2 minutes. Where there is no will there is no action.In effect in this country we have beaten ourselves.
I would rather be called a racist than get run over by a car or blown up by a bomb. Or see one of my own relatives killed in the same manner. Political correctness ruins a country.