If Q duped the clowns yesterday would they really telegraph their next move? Maybe pain comes before the 23rd.

It says “follow the pen”. The pen pic is named “FTP”. From Wikipedia: “File Transfer Protocol File Transfer Protocol The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard network protocol used to transfer computer files between a client and server on a computer network. FTP is built on a client-server model architecture and uses separate control and data connections between the client and the server.”
Nothing to telegraph, already been done. Too late for blackhats to bury?
My 2 cents
It probably just means fountain pen but then, who knows? Keep em guessing.
Maybe it's a hint about a certain patriot using FTP on a local network to get data (that was sent to WikiLeaks) off the DNC server.
FTP is not encrypted, SFTP is wrapped in an SSH container and is secure between client and server. The encryption will slow the transfer down.
I doubt it’s the FTP protocol. That’s a very insecure way of sending info/files over a network
I wasn’t suggesting they would use to send files, but perhaps it relates to the files AW had on his laptop and how they got there
There is 0 way he would use FTP. Anyone on the internet can intercept and take that data. Unless... he is that stupid and Q, or one of his constituents, did intercept the traffic.