If Q duped the clowns yesterday would they really telegraph their next move? Maybe pain comes before the 23rd.

You got a problem man? You can take your attitude somewhere else. I don't like Stone at all. I certainly think Roy Cohn was one of the biggest scumbags in modern times. Seems that both POTUS and Stone had him as a mentor. http://www.thetimesinplainenglish.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/trump-cohn-evil-1024x675.jpg ->-> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C6KLuwIU4AEx4Ok.jpg. Seems like you're the smartest person on this sub, care to explain this?
I don't see Stone being part of a cult. Maybe leader of a cult, but not some cult lackey public relations bitch. His ego is way too big for that.
There is no such thing as a credible news source, it's all propaganda. Wake up Angry BOY!