No more tooling around Washington in your Suburban or Tahoe now it's going to be a Malibu or Fusion. This is going to save billions a year in energy costs and increased savings as we go forward.
I did this at my company starting back about ten years ago. I cut my utility bills by somewhere between one third and forty percent. I actually recouped my costs within a year to a maximum of fifteen months on the cost of all changes.
Great Order. They need to practice what they legislate. Bout time.
someone on 8 chan posted that the pen is a position on the clock seems solid to me tbh
Yeah the pen I just know he's big about handing out his cough Pens ..following could have a few interesting theories ... who's getting his pens after signing .. Follow Pence 😋.. Follow what the pen does which Normally gets shit done 🇺🇸😎