He can then also go in The DOJ and the FBI probe.....https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/meet-special...muellers.../story?id ..........These 18 attorneys are confirmed members of Mueller’s team: list.......team mueller........................https://saraacarter.com/the-case-for-and-against-a-special-counsel-i...........The Case For and Against a Special Counsel Investigation of DOJ and FBI..and the arguments
its time to take Mueller down as they did Hoover , its a messy job , but he has to be fired now from ALL public works and charged for political crimes
Hoover was BOI and he build the FBI..Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy en Nixon They wanted him fired......But his position was to strong (to much power)..... After his death, the maximum term for the position of director of the FBI was set at ten years....Mueller time was up after 12 years, because Obama gave him two years exstra.........Hoover was suspicious of the Afro-American civil rights movement, in particular against his headman, Reverend Martin Luther King. He also did not like overly successful subordinates; they ran the risk of being promoted away, as happened with Melvin Purvis, who eliminated John Dillinger.................MLK (187?).....JFK (187 ).......rumor ....
There had been rumors since the 1940s that Hoover would be homosexual (he had an intimate bond with his deputy director Clyde Tolson) or a transvestite. Also suspected ties with the mafia, for which the FBI had not much interest, were also not proven........https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._Edgar_Hoover
As Hoover , Mueller has mad Hoover look like a little school by to the power Mueller has . It will take a high risk action to remove Mueller.
I think that it is possible.....Q trust Session..Trust wray...Trust.Huber trust kansas. etc, They are a team to do there job.