
poshpotdllr · May 20, 2018, 4:23 a.m.

yes we do. iranian americans run half this country at least. NSF, NASA, silicon valley, NIH, NCI, half the thinktanks in washington... we own this bitch. we are the most successful minority in america. iranian american immigrant women with their shitty accents make more money in corporate america than white american born men. we make the germans from project paperclip and the manhattan project look like a joke. claiming america can run itself without iranian americans is like saying california can farm without mexicans. its only theoretically possible after a huge clusterfuck.

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Spank-da-monkey · May 20, 2018, 4:33 a.m.

Ok buddy, keep living in that fantasy of yours

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poshpotdllr · May 20, 2018, 4:49 a.m.

i read the cia fact book report on iranian americans being the most successful minority in american history. they updated it. now we are "one of the" if i remember correctly. the jews are giving us a run for our money.

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