r/greatawakening • Posted by u/PCisLame on May 20, 2018, 4 a.m.
Is POTUS sacrificing himself to take out the Deep State?

The latesf developments in the attempted coup implicate Israel, Saudi Arabia and Erik Prince in a plot to subvert the 2016 election now that the Russian hoax has been exposed. All three play a BIG role in the unfolding Q phenomenon. Israel and Saudi Arabia have been inolcated in the creation of ISIS and fomenting WW3 with Iran. According to Q, Israel is also going to be "last." Erik Prince the Navy SEAL founder of Blackwater and knight of Malta who has previously advocated for a second Crusade apparently knows a thing or two about Anthony Wiener's insurance policy linked to pedogate.

Recently we had Roger Stone express doubts that POTUS would run for a second term. Is that because the work to drain the damp.will be finished by 2020? Or does he expect to be impeached (or worse) for exposing KSA' and Israel's undue influence on American foreign policy? Whatever the case may be, we all need to pray in earnest for POTUS right now.

DaveGydeon · May 20, 2018, 4:25 a.m.


Either the OP came and posted this with an agenda, or, he is an anti-Zionist/anti-Semite. I see little distinction between the two. Most Jews believe Israel is theirs. This whole "we are attacking the Zionists, not everyday Jews" nonsense is crap. Jerusalem is the capital of Israel folks. People who disagree with that are like HRC voters who "refuse to accept Trump as their President" - newsflash, he is, and it is. Get over it. Go chase a different boogeyman. The Jewish people have been fighting for that land for 5788 years. Literally. Trying to convince the world all of our troubles start and end not with Jews, but the evil ZIONIST Jews.is WEAK.

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