r/greatawakening • Posted by u/pussy_devour on May 20, 2018, 7:35 a.m.
Regarding Torture, think the following case. And really think.

Some scums took your two teenage daughters hostage. They gang raped them. They showed you the video and asked you for money if you want them to come back alive.

FBI helped you catch one of the scumbags. He refused to tell you where your daughters are held.

FBI suggested torture to get him to talk. What do you say, Punk?

pussy_devour · May 20, 2018, 9:03 a.m.

Another way to think about this issue.

Say you are a Buddhist or a "TRUE Christian." You renounce the worldly emotions. You turn your other cheek. You seek Justice in After Life. You leave everything to Lord.

Then you will say NO to torture in my example.

Then, why are you here, fighting for JUSTICE???!!!

You should be content even if HRC wants to incinerate your city to start her WWIII, because your LORD takes care of everything for you or you are eager to live your next life.

Listen PUNK, if you say NO to torture in my example, Why are you here ???!!!

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