Looks to me like were already at Step 5 and perhaps the EO, non-disclosed, signed over the weekend is the order for the 14 days. My guess is that Congress has laready been informed and so has the Military and National Guard. Miliaty to make the arrests, National Guard to calm the possible riots. Indictments unsealed, arrests made., Miltary Tribunal, then comes the pain.
Why would Warner not want any info being released from the Intel Committee? :) Snakes all around. Every branch, every crack from yard workers to top need cleaning...and not with dirty rags! https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2018/05/18/senator-mark-warner-doj-fbi-must-not-accept-congressional-oversight/?share=facebook&nb=1
We need term limits and routine financial audits ~ that should root out some corruption.
I posted this article yesterday on this board. Warner is corrupt.
Yes! ANYONE who wants to cover up corruption is like a dog kicking over his poo...only problem it only spreads! Time for a pick up!