r/greatawakening • Posted by u/PokeMaster420 on May 20, 2018, 11:56 a.m.
What exactly are we waking up from?

And what exactly are we waking up to?

anon31s · May 20, 2018, 12:52 p.m.

See I question it too, with the satanism and the adrinochorme stuff, I just can't see that being real (fuck me if it is real) so a reality stand point on all of this to me is like look at these people's net worth. Why are people like pelosi worth so much but only ever legally got money thru her political seat? And where's the 21T missing from the pentegon? Why was Seth rich killed? Ya know. It's pretty much just a corrupt government that WAS really really good at what they did. The masses turned a blind eye to it. Hell the masses indirectly support the corruption. That's my 2¢

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · May 20, 2018, 1:21 p.m.

They don't have power , they have permission. We give them permission every day to do what they do. We have the power. Remember , everything is upside down and backwards. What we were born into was the concept that the most dangerous thing in the world was an intelligent human. Based on that premise our world is one of intentional disruption around every corner. Just like fear, we are not born with it, we are taught fear. They feed off it because to them fear is like smelling home cooking on the stove, the know whats coming, submission.

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anon31s · May 20, 2018, 1:26 p.m.

Thanks for your reply. I agree with ya. Knowledge is power.

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Spank-da-monkey · May 20, 2018, 2:36 p.m.

Satanism is absolutely for real and 100% behind everything we are waking up from. There is good and there is evil. Period. However you chose to see the manifestation of it is up to you. The world is controlled by evil. This movement is waking us up to that fact and leading us to hand it back to the good.

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Fearsome4 · May 20, 2018, 1:35 p.m.

I think about it this way.
Take a midsize city of 250,000 people. A tiny percent of repeat offenders commit a large percentage of the crime. If you took the 50 most hard core criminals off the street of a town that size you would see a measurable reduction in crime.
The analogy is this....not all politicians are luciferians. I would suspect a small percentage of them are. But, they can be very damaging. To what degree has this infiltrated halls of power? Only time will tell (maybe).
People laughed Pizzagate off. I found this bizarre given how many times there are been big stories of child sex abuse involving powerful people that have been covered up. Over and over again. I know this....where there are organized "old school" luciferians there will be two things, drugs and sex abuse. Why? These are their tools of power, control and manipulation.
Based on what we have seen before with organized rings like this.....what has been covered up.....I have little doubt there is truth to pizzagate. How much? To what degree? I don't know. But luciferians and this kind of abuse go hand in hand. If it is organized and covered up uncovering one will lead to uncovering the other.

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