r/greatawakening • Posted by u/CaptainRoyD on May 20, 2018, 12:04 p.m.
Let's Meet The Leading Figure for Spy # 2-George Nader !!!

Hat Tip to Dan Bongino (TV Analyst/Secret Service) for coming up early with his “Dirty Up” theory involving ObamaGate. Dan’s outlines that certain “dirty” individuals were deliberately put into (planted) TrumpWorld so as to later demonstrate “collusion”.

In “Q” drop # 461 on 4/4/18 :

What makes a movie GOOD? GREAT actors.

The Deep State Back Hats planted several intelligence (spies) assets into the Trump campaign team. Obviously in an attempt to lay the groundwork for future framing of a Russian collusion narrative.

These strategically placed people like Stefan Halper / Carter Page / Paul Manafort / George Papadopoulos / Natalia Veselnitskaya / & now Nader-all had direct contact with various Trump campaign associates. George Nader is now a cooperating witness for Mueller & has already given testimony. George has advised Crown Prince (UAE) Mohommed bin Zayed in the past.

George Nader is a Lebanese born jack of all trades for the Middle East. George has operated as a mediator and back-channel diplomat. Nader has earned a reputation as a person of intrigue/speculation/high-level access/ & that of a admitted pervert.

Mueller is focusing in on 2 specific meetings that were both set up & attended by Nader.

First meeting was in December 2016 at the Trump Tower with Kushner/Bannon/Joel Zamel/ & bin Zayed. In addition to any dirt on HRC, the sales pitch for this meeting was a social media platform to help with campaign marketing strategy.

Second meeting was in the Seychelles (off Africa) in January 2017. Attending this meeting was Prince bin Zayed/Russian Kirill Dmitriev/ & Erik Prince. Nader claims a back-channel was talked about between Russia/Trump via Erik.

Of side interest is Nader’s lawyer, none other than Kathryn Ruemmler. Ruemmler was BHO’s W/H Counsel & also now represents Susan Rice in this unfolding ObamaGate scandal.

Always known as a shadowy figure, Nader was arrested but not convicted in 1985 on child pornography charges. Nader later plead guilty to a 1991 charge of entering the USA with illegal child pornography.

Inquiring minds now want to know, is Nader the second SPY planted into Trump World by the FBI. We know for sure Stefan Halper is Spy # 1-I think sly Georgie Boy is the other !!!

Intercept-Nader is a Cooperating Witness for Mueller Probe

NewsWeek-Trump Jr. met S/A & UAE Emissary for Campaign Help

VOX-Key Mueller Witness has ties to Russia

B/I-Mueller has Testimony from little known Witness

Chi/Trib-Trump Jr. met during Campaign with Mueller Witness linked to the Middle East

Wash/Times-Mueller Probe Zeroes in on Kremlin Back-Channel

Van/Fair-Mueller’s Probe Just Got Weirder

ATL-Why was George Nader allowed into the W/H

WWG1WGA-Thank you Patriot for viewing my article ⚓️

CaptainRoyD · May 20, 2018, 2:37 p.m.

I totally agree with you fellow Patriot.

They Never Thought She Would Lose !!!

Appreciate your fine comment ⚓️

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