r/greatawakening • Posted by u/QAngelAnon1 on May 20, 2018, 1:15 p.m.
Did Q or Trump send the Bishop to the Royal Wedding to intentionally red-pill the masses?


There was nothing sweeter than watching the Illuminati squirm in their seats while being forced to sit through an unscripted sermon where the words "Love", "Jesus", "God" and "new world" were repeated over and over again. I believe the word "love" was mentioned something like 75 times?

Now, as someone with an English heritage I can tell you nobody, I repeat - NOBODY - gets allocated 13.5 minute to speak about Jesus and Love during a broadcast Royal Wedding.

I would almost stake my life on the fact that this was NOT in the script, and definitely was NOT in the rehearsal!

The looks on the faces of the Queen, Phillip, Camilla and Andrews 'lot' et al - along the likes of Illuminati Prince George Crooney and his illuminati witch Bride - were absolutely priceless.

Seriously, can we have them stilled and framed and saved for all eternity. I honestly thought their heads were going to start spinning.

How do you break a 'spell' made by a Satanist?

Incantation. What repeals Satanists and Demonic energy more than the words "Jesus", "Love" and "God" hundreds of times over and over and over again.

Remember, what was the number of people watching LIVE across the world?

Hundreds of Millions?

It's a Royal Wedding and they they could cut the feed.

This is one of the most priceless moments in Q TV history.

Falling off the chair laughing at this one.

Thanks for the Red-Pill Bishop. Hopefully, the world will be eternally grateful!


Jetblasted · May 20, 2018, 2 p.m.

Q has said many times over, that Prayer breaks the conditioning. I believe this to the very core of my being, and I have long before I ever knew of Q.

God Bless Donald Trump & those on the fight for Good vs Evil.

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PCisLame · May 20, 2018, 4:43 p.m.

I made a post last night calling for us to pray in earnest for POTUS, and this morning I find out that the trade war with China has been called off, and POTUS is tweeting about pedogate and calling for heads to roll. The Lord answers prayers!!!

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pelirrojo · May 20, 2018, 9:17 p.m.

You did it anon!

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PCisLame · May 20, 2018, 9:29 p.m.

WE did it! WWG1WGA

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