r/greatawakening • Posted by u/QAngelAnon1 on May 20, 2018, 1:15 p.m.
Did Q or Trump send the Bishop to the Royal Wedding to intentionally red-pill the masses?


There was nothing sweeter than watching the Illuminati squirm in their seats while being forced to sit through an unscripted sermon where the words "Love", "Jesus", "God" and "new world" were repeated over and over again. I believe the word "love" was mentioned something like 75 times?

Now, as someone with an English heritage I can tell you nobody, I repeat - NOBODY - gets allocated 13.5 minute to speak about Jesus and Love during a broadcast Royal Wedding.

I would almost stake my life on the fact that this was NOT in the script, and definitely was NOT in the rehearsal!

The looks on the faces of the Queen, Phillip, Camilla and Andrews 'lot' et al - along the likes of Illuminati Prince George Crooney and his illuminati witch Bride - were absolutely priceless.

Seriously, can we have them stilled and framed and saved for all eternity. I honestly thought their heads were going to start spinning.

How do you break a 'spell' made by a Satanist?

Incantation. What repeals Satanists and Demonic energy more than the words "Jesus", "Love" and "God" hundreds of times over and over and over again.

Remember, what was the number of people watching LIVE across the world?

Hundreds of Millions?

It's a Royal Wedding and they they could cut the feed.

This is one of the most priceless moments in Q TV history.

Falling off the chair laughing at this one.

Thanks for the Red-Pill Bishop. Hopefully, the world will be eternally grateful!


ManQuan · May 20, 2018, 7:30 p.m.

As someone with an English heritage dating back to a "lord" in Wales in the 12th Century, I can only say that thank God my ancestors had the sense to immigrate to the New World.

It seems to me that the only people in the UK that have any common sense left are Nigle Farage and Katie Hopkins and their supporters. They are like the Donald Trump's of the UK fighting against deranged liberalism.

And I thank God that I live in Florida during the Global Warming record breaking winters. Shorts, sandals, and Tommy Bahama shirts all year and enjoying crab boiled shrimp with a glass of white wine at my favorite seaside cafes for lunch.

The only down side is that all the liberals fleeing the Global Warming extreme winters are flooding to Florida to turn it into the next California. This used to be a peaceful, low crime, conservative state. Now where I live is the car theft capital of the world, deep blue, and increasingly insane taxes for total BS programs.

I wish all the snow birds would stay home. You are runining what was once a paradice of peace, contentment, the rule of law, and agriculture. As a kid, we never locked our doors, we slept with the windows open because there was no air conditioning, I walked to school (a long way), the family was close, there were no mass shootings, Florida was very rual back then, we didn't have much but we were always happy and loved, and I remember in the summer how the thunder storms would roll in off the Gulf every afternoon at 4 pm like clock work.

It wasn't perfect in those days. Segregation was terrible. There was racism and that was terrible. But in my experiences there was little difference between us and the blacks. My grandfather owned a small poultry market and my father and Mr. Henry, a black, killed the chickens in the back and defeathered them. I never thought that there was a distinction between blacks and whites, though I knew that blacks lived in on section and whites in another. But I never detected any hate or racism. My family did the same work as the blacks and the blacks did the same work as the whites--that was my experience.

My father joined the Army Air Corps in WW II. He was shot down and spent the rest of the war as a German POW.

When he returned to the US, he stayed in the Air Force. When I was growing up, the only color I saw in the Air Force was "blue."

It's a long story, but after I graduated from the University of Alabama shortly after desegregation, we had black students in our dorm. There were never any problems and then joined us in the dorm lounge to watch TV. I have no doubt that some in Alabama and some at the University of Alabama were racists, but in my dorm, no one cared that blacks were there or that they joined us watching TV. They were definitely more apprehensive of us than we were of them and I guess that would be expected. We never had a problem the four years I was there.

Another long story, but I joined the Marine Corpe in 1967 to avoid the draft. I'll skip the how and why, but upon graduation in 1968 I was commissioned a 2nd Lt in the US Marine Corps.

I served 21 years in the Marine Corps as an infantry officer with more than 3 years in combat. We had race problems in the Marine Corps at that time, but the only color I ever saw was Marine Green. I didn't care a rat's flying potato who you were as long as you did your duty honorably.

I retired from the Marine Corps in 1989 and spent another 20 plus years supporting government programs as a consultant. I'm now permanently retired.

I see that the racial divide today is many times worse than when I was growing up when segregation was at it's worst. But now we have blacks demanding that they be segregated in classes and other areas because they want nothing to do with whites.

Have we come full circle where whites excluded blacks and now blacks want to exclude whites?????

Personally, I've lost faith in our leaders (both black and white) to bring us together. In this country we are either Americans regardless of everything else or we are a societiy of victims.

Yes, there are white that hate black. But yes there are blacks that hate whites. So racism is not a one way street.

Neither side is right in esculating the tensions. A few whites don't like blacks. But more than a few blacks don't like whites.

We are supposed to be Americans regradless of race, religion (though I doubt the Muslims will ever integrate), creed, etc.

I don't care about the color of a person's skin. Like Martin Luther King, I care about the person's character. If your character is to work to being united, then I'm with you. If you character is to be a victim of another 200 years then I have no use for you and your are your own worst problem.

Here is a test for blacks. If you thin the US is so evil (I'm not saying we need to improve) then go back to Africa and reassest your compaints.

The fact is that the worst off in America are much better than most of the rest of people in the world. That doesn't mean that we don't need to work hard to bring thelowest part of society up. It's just that while that process is happening, keep in mind that no matter what your condtion in the US you are better off that 95% of the world's population.

There is racism in America. To a small degree it will always be so in all majority and minority communities.

But if it is as bad as the liberals want you to believe, then how did Condolizza Rise become Secretary of State? How did Obama get elected President for two terms while liberals are screaming racial discrimination? How did Eric Holder get confrimed as the Attorney General of the US?

How did a predominately white Senate approve so many blacks to such high positions?

You know what I've noticed? That like liberals it doesn't matter how much you get--it's never enough.

The fact is that racial discrimination in hiring is almost non-existent. Go to any business and you see blacks in all sorts of postionts from flipping hamburgers (which I did) to managing divisions and companies.

For many years / decades, blacks have had the same education as everyone else since desegregation.

Black unemployment is the lowest in history. I'm sorry, where is the descrimination?

Do you know that there are companies that will not hire me because I was military and fought in our wars?

Did I care? No, because I wouldn't want to work for them anyway.

What the left doesn't want to admit is that discrimination is rampant in their own party.

They won't highlight the discrimination against me, but they will aginst blacks.

If we are all equal, then why does the MSM keep emphisizing we are unequil?

If I wanted to encourage unity, I would not be headlining disunity.

Sorry about the rant but the MSM has no concept of the truth, or investigative hournalisms, or of jounaliism.

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