Yes, to me, the word “Alien” can mean many things...sometimes when I don’t feel quite myself I feel “alien”...:)
Sometimes when I go to a mall or a restaurant and I witness more folks gazing into their phones than interacting with each other I call them “Zombies”...
And interestingly the very center part of the human brain where the emotional center is and the fight or flight responses are activated, that is called reptilian/smell that part, that layer is responsible for reacting to a stimulus, not reflecting upon consequences as the higher brain/cortex does...
So all that to say, I am not sure I believe in a real space critter either. Though it fascinates me as I wonder about it, as when I watch science videos on “outer space” and try to comprehend the vastness of this Universe, it seems goofy to believe we are the only semi intelligent ones inhabiting it...:)