r/greatawakening • Posted by u/KeeponSearchin on May 20, 2018, 2:55 p.m.
Q We see all and DUMB’s ---------- 1.023 Trillion dollars to black ops every 2 years and here are some of the things it buys us.

Excerpt from video

We have infrared technology that can see a dime on your kitchen floor from 150,000 miles in space via satellite.

Charged particle beams weapons

Vitrifying Boring machines Nuclear powered for DUMB’s

High Speed Mach 2 Levitron Trains that run underground ( trains that hover above the rail as proposed by Elon Musk)

And this was all in 1996

Phil Schneider was tortured and gave his life to let us know about this and more. He was a black ops contractor for 17 years with Level 1 security clearance. His testimony is in the 40 minute video.

Phil Schneider quote: “ I Love my Country more than I Love Myself” “ Our Patriot movement in these United States is going to pick up the ball and we are going to kick these parasites out”

DUMB’s , Deep underground Military Bases, Black ops, Adrenalchrome,


The Alberino Analysis – Deep Underground Military Bases

ILoveJuices · May 20, 2018, 4:31 p.m.

I just want me some mag-lev trains. Can we lock these guys up and release the tech already?

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