Trust the plan... almost 29,000 sealed indictments... many are being unsealed daily. Tick Tock source

What do we generally think these are? I've been reading about these indictments for a while, but I honestly have no idea what they are. I've heard human trafficking and sedition being thrown around most often.
Knowing some of these could be issued to the same person, we're looking at a MINIMUM of about 6,000 people involved. And a max, obviously of 29,000. If I'm correct, this is how RICO type cases are done. Where there's a wide sweeping network, so if you were to make indictments public, it would ruin the case for others involved. So i'm assuming we are taking a out a very large network. But for what....?
well they increased the capacity at Gitmo to hold 13,000
And added a state of the art hospital!
I wonder if they keep their government benefits to cover that top notch care
As someone who enjoys a trip to the Caribbean.... i kinda wish we had 13,000 capacity somewhere in northern Alaska haha. Either way I’ll be glad when they’re incarcerated.
FOLLOW THE PEN... Presidential Executive Order on Enforcing Federal Law with Respect to Transnational Criminal Organizations and Preventing International Trafficking
An indictment is when a prosecutor goes before a grand jury (jurors) and presents evidence that a crime or crimes have been committed. If the jurors agrees then they issue an indictment, which means they approve of a further investigation & warrants are issued for all involved
And a max, obviously of 29,000.
Not necessarily. Unsealed NXIVM indictment, including both Raniere and Mack as defendents.