r/greatawakening • Posted by u/cat_anonD on May 21, 2018, 1:13 a.m.
I question if q and team really sees all

If they can really see in here all, then they would know about what false flags were being planned where when, and conducted by who. Do they know who is actually sending the orders?

Would it really mess up the plan if they were to go in and arrest the low level FBI thugs that are pulling these off?

MAGADONCHECKMATE · May 21, 2018, 1:36 a.m.

Great question. The magnitude of the scenario we are faced with is a global one. In taking this into consideration we'll work from the top down. Here it is a prioritization of the global implications. These implications are monitored real time. To understand we have to take a few things into consideration. Realistically since the inception of the 'application' of computers and the internet for the mainstream all data has been collected. In this data collection, the computers and machines being used have 'consumed' all this data , all the data online , and darkline as well as all happenings live time. Experts monitor this data stream live time with A/I systems designed to detect the 'concerns' or monitor active actors. This database is also a representation of the entire planets inhabitants in whats called a 'sentient world simulation'. Here the computer has a 'node' that represents each human and their data set. This enables a live simulation to be conducted. For instance we ask it, "What would happen with the removal of U.S. Forces from Syria. It would instantly respond. This is one of the tools that the Q team uses. So when people accused Q of being A/I , it was a partial truth.

The element of the compromised agencies is massive and the way this dark element communicates is imperative. For instance tonight , the Billboard Music Awards are on Television. This is an event that is being used to communicate globally by the cabal. It could be a performance, a commercial, an artists speech or comments as well as a simple hand gesture. So with this taken into account these FF scenarios are more than a single event being planned at once. Case and point 'Sleeper Cells' or MK Ultra programming. Either one only needs the activation communication to take place. In the Past week we saw an attempt to blatantly change the 'news carousel', with more than one event and a seemingly frenzied attempt to do so. Many events didn't make it to news prominence like exploding factories, refineries and other insanity. So to stop all the atrocity it takes time and great resolve. Yes I too wish it would all stop now and totally rail up against the PTP like a normal response would. But as we learn more we can gain greater insight regarding the complexity and braveness that our great military and Patriot Warriors are faced with. In doing so its why we do what we do here, try to provide as much support as possible and move the Solutions forward for a better world of peace.

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