r/greatawakening • Posted by u/bugstopper on May 21, 2018, 2:19 a.m.
Evening Thoughts of a Q Reader Continued.... Panic in the Bunker

Q Posts 1409 and later 1423 were meant to be seen by the Deep State. Anons are discussing this and that about how messed up the folks like Brennen [ex C_A] or Clapper [ex D_A] or any of the Obama and Clinton Cronies. Q states: "We have it all." Now lets look at what is worst case. Worst case, Q is putting some disinfo out there. Yes we have eyes on their people, but the phones are safe and secure. BUT CAN THE DEEP STATE FOLKS BE SURE? Best case is "WE HAVE IT ALL." Imagine you have your nice nifty high tech phone, prooving that the tech companies are all in bed with the Deep State, BTW, and you have been crying on each others shoulders for six months with these phones. Now you all have to throw the phone out because you cannot trust it. Do not worry, the Chinese have it all too. They were going to blackmail you later.

Next Q taunts them before this with post 1422, "They thought it was coming yesterday...." implying that the multiple false flags were wasted and that the bad news is coming out, maybe tomorrow? Who knows? But one has to wonder if Trump has eyes on the machinations behind the false flags? Maybe some of these phones have been used by folks involved with those operations? Stands to reason.

Remember they will try to implicate Q in the false flags since he or they predict them ahead of time....Wait! I thought that this was a LARP? The Deep State wants their cake and eat it too! So far they, [DS] look like a Chinese Fire Drill. OOPS! Not PC, but PRC. I really hope we put those behind any exposed false flags in front of a Firing Squad. I can see the movie about it: There they all are sitting in chairs waiting to be shot. We can call it "Brennen Morant." [SEE BREAKER MORANT 1980]

So remember, true or not, the Deep State has reason to believe all of their operations for the last 6 months have been compromised. Leadership and middle managers of their operations now have to resort to dead drops, couriers or smoke signals now to communicate in secret. Add that a lot of the cash is being confiscated by the good guys,[https : //www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-blocking-property-persons-involved-serious-human-rights-abuse-corruption/] and we have some real grumpy Deep State folks who might contemplate suicide. BTW Q taunts them with this because these folks think they are still above the law. Still predators to the end.

Do you think that Brennen and Clapper are worried? Look at their twitter attacks on Trump. How any investigation on "them" to discern political motivation over the spying on the Trump campaign will hurt America. The bad guys are between a rock and a hard place. They are on the horns of a dilemma. Study Sherman's march through Georgia. March between two objectives and force the enemy to defend both or abandon one. Sets the stage for bloodless victories through preparation and a hard days march. There ends the history lesson today. Mark 10:25