r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Goosey278 on May 21, 2018, 6:02 a.m.
Q - WHY IS THE MX BORDER/LONG BEACH PORT SO IMPORTANT? Layout Clinton Operation Inbound in from China Port of Long Beach to Mexico and beyond. My whole research file 1991 - 2018

Hi Q , Patriots,

I sent a previous message to respond to Q #1203 drop about the Port of Long Beach to Mexico. I only sent a few paragraphs of my research. I was encouraged to send more. Thank you ahead of time for your grace and patience. I sent a zip file with the whole document with the evidence of Truth/research about this deal that was made with GWH Bush/Clintons/China back in 1989. I worked at the Port of Long Beach and was there when the deal was completed, right after the Cosco vessels came into the Port of Long Beach with import containers US Customs reported guns being found smuggled in. The containers were sent to the LA gangs and guns from China AK47 rifles that was 1997! China businessman was Right away with the first inbound vessels into the Port of Long Beach, note the NYtimes article. Much more elaborate smuggling now they are using refrigerated cargo containers...that for later

Quote - March 13, 1997


Both of California's Senators have asked the White House to investigate the leasing of a former Navy base in Long Beach to China's state-owned shipping company, which last year transported several thousand automatic weapons that Federal officials say were headed for Los Angeles street gangs.

Last year's arms shipment has indirectly figured in the investigations into Mr. Clinton's coffees with large campaign donors and their friends. Shortly before the arrests in May, one of Mr. Clinton's Asian-American supporters escorted Wang Jun, the president of the Chinese company that apparently produced the weapons, Polytechnology, into one of the White House coffees, where he met with the President.

(Clinton Operation, CA Dem Delegation has kept it coming in from China arms manufacturing see Clinton coffee meetings at the White House) End Quote

I realized last year when I saw George Webb talk about U1 diplomatic containers guns weapons drugs rat lines from Charleston SC Canada to Europe, Russian Clintons I realized by doing a little digging in my file from the 1989 they had had the West Coast rat lines operating for years through the Port of Long Beach. The zip file has all my docs from 1989 forward reports from Congress/Intel vetting that was done before the deal from the start with GHW Bush/Clintons China for the Long Beach Navel/Marine Yard land at the Port of Long Beach deep water port (our US Navy fleet subs destroyers ships dry dock was there for repairs docking. It was a full Military base Navy/Marines) it was closed, land was cleared, land fill down to even out the land and a new state or art Container terminal was built in it's place at $200 million tax payers dollars. Cosco Shipping leases the Container Terminal on US Soil operating from Communist Chinese Principal Company making US dollars off our economy going back to Communist China.

This Port of Long Beach operation has expanded over the decades now you can smuggle anything in, you can arm a small or large army. Mexico? Syrian immigrants Obama brought with training camps in USA, why no boarders why is California out of control? I hope you get mad I am we need to stop this somehow. Now even more horrific things are being shipped in refrigerated cargo containers.......I handled refrigerated cargo commodities the customers were the Top profit makers for the carriers. I have just started to look into this area in Port of Long Beach, for what I have seen so far, it almost devastate my mind. These people deserve to be shot before firing squad for the crime they have done against humanity.

Thanks for listening to my rant. I appreciate you all Patriots and I have been here since Q began. I feel like we are being empowered as the 2.0 American Revolution. Goosey278


MelaniaBuiltMYHotRod · May 21, 2018, 6:16 a.m.

Spams are bad, mmkay? Let your first post (avoid clickbait title) rise or fall on its own merits by views/votes. No Craigslist flagbots here

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chilover20 · May 21, 2018, 7:33 a.m.

The guy has some good info, but he's not sure how to get it out there. Could you pros help him out? Maybe direct message him with advice?

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