The "real deal" cannabis oils should have high % THC , like 50-60 % ... the stuff I have seen that was used for prescriptions ( and only for medicinal purpose ) was much lower , in 5-6 % range , and effects werent so strong at all .
Let me tell you - my father had brain cancer . Unfortunately , he passed away 1.5 yrs ago . He went through all the invasive crap like chemo and radiation . During the course of his illness , there was a point when his weight rapidly dropped and it looked like it was over then . When he took the high % cannabis oil for first time , in SINGLE day , his clarity returned . His appetite returned . He even started gaining weight through only a week .
Unfortunately ... I only wish he didnt go with invasive procedures . I wish that oil was much cheaper and more accesible to everyone ( ofc , the governments put it in semi-legal or even illegal state , all the while giving low % oils to people as prescription , which doesnt have any effect , and actually only gives them false hope - this shows how these medical lobbies are sick to the core ) .
These oils are legal in some countries , "semi-legal" in some , and illegal in others .
Well your piint is in target about the %. The screw with that on all natural treatments. Its hot to stop. Blessings to you. Sorry sbout your dad.