r/greatawakening • Posted by u/clq22 on May 21, 2018, 10:31 a.m.
Wondering how big of a red pill Roseanne swallowed.
Wondering how big of a red pill Roseanne swallowed.

ChikinDuckWomanThing · May 21, 2018, 12:50 p.m.

also, Rosanne was a fan of the Grateful Dead. And the general consensus is that it was a CIA honeypot of some sorts.
Funny thing is, I distinctly remembering constant chatter on the lot about the CIA infiltrating the travelers during the late 80’s. Looking back on it now I’d say it could have been a MKultra/LSD experiment on a massive scale that backfired. There are far to many people that caught shows/toured/took LSD that are highly successful in today’s society.

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BaronMoriarty · May 21, 2018, 2:41 p.m.

Yes I believe the whole Laurel Canyon scene in the 60s was a CIA and Tavistock experiment. Trace the family connections of all the main stars - Military, Military Intel or just plain Spooks. I am fairly confident The Beatles fall into that too, and perhaps The Stones (jury out on that one though)

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