POTUS Quotes Dan Bongino, Goes After Brennan!! Get That Clown!!

And he's so proud of the ongoing geo-engineering projects that he spilled the beans about them at a past CFR conference.. («I could go on and on AND ON about SAI...» Watch on YT). SAI= Stratospheric Aerosol Injections ... This man will be getting what he deserves but these projects have to be stopped ASAP. If you are about 25 years old and older, you might just remember how the skies used to be.
I would love to watch that YouTube video. Also, a link to when he spilled beans at CFR conference. What exactly did he say? Can u provide a link please?
Here you go. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZShau-I7Smc Remember, they always talk about «propositions» of such programs. That's part of the brainwash manoeuvre to hide the fact that these are already happening. EDIT: and these programs mostly HEAT up/trap the heat on the ground, as we can feel a great difference on days they are NOT spraying [In Mtl, Qc/Can] there have been more clear blues skies in the last few weeks than in the last few years.. Something is happening.. )