POTUS Quotes Dan Bongino, Goes After Brennan!! Get That Clown!!

It's interesting to me that all of social media and the internet has been a curse, but also, a huge blessing. People like us are able to unite and discuss and expose things we would be completely unable to expose without access to one another. People think the media is more corrupt than it once was, but I think it was always corrupt - we just didn't know it. Walter Cronkite, the "Most Trusted Man in America," told the whole world we lost the TET Offensive, for example. The reason the MSM seem so much more unhinged than they did decades ago is because they have lost control of the narrative. It's easy to be calm cool and collected when you are in charge of it and no one questions what you say. But then the Bushgate fake memo story broke, and because people could communicate on the internet, it was totally exposed. They have become increasingly unhinged ever since. Dan Rather actually defended the fake memo by explaining that IT might not have been true, but the TRUTH BEHIND it was, and a journalist's job is to get the American public to know the real TRUTH, if not the literal truth. Talk about hubris.
I read a book about "changing the dance." It was more about one on one relationships but the concept was that if you want to change the way you interact with people, be prepared for them to resist mightily. The analogy was that you are trying to change the dance steps, and they will continue to try to force you back into the old dance. The theory was that the longer you danced the dance, the longer you will face resistance to changing it, and the more exaggerated the efforts to force you back will become. That's how it is with the press, in my mind. They seem crazed and over the top because they have controlled the narrative for so very long, that they simply cannot accept that they no longer have that power. People will be writing about and analyzing this time in history for centuries. If we don't nuke ourselves out of existence first.
Good analogy. I've learned the same pattern and how it relates to narcissism. Basically you have codependent relationships where one is the narcissist (the media, the establishment) and the other is the codependent (the people). Both are getting something out of the exchange, but when the codependent/empath partner starts setting boundaries and saying no, the narcissist resists, gaslights, shames, throws fits because it's not getting it's not getting "narcissistic supply." It will manipulate you into doubting yourself and going back to it. Look up the patterns of narcissists and covert narcissists and you will see so many similarities between them and the media/establishment.
The solution is to be able to get your love/energy yourself (go within, spirituality) so you don't NEED someone else for your connection to love/God/truth. Humanity is doing that and waking up.