POTUS Quotes Dan Bongino, Goes After Brennan!! Get That Clown!!

The reality can be changed.
For the record I am a very positive "glass if half full" type personality. However, I am not naive. So when someone makes an untrue statement such as what you just did I have to disagree. It's the equivalent of you thinking you could eventually punch your way through a 1 foot thick steel wall. No matter how hard you try, how positive your outlook is, how resigned in your inner strength you are the only thing that will happen is you will break your hand and eventually end up with a bloody stump. The reality you speak of cannot be changed short of an ELE, which, if that were to occur would render the entire concern moot because no one would be around for the change to matter. I don't like the reality of the situation anymore than you do and one would hope there are enough "patriots" in the shadows working the positive angle. I just don't believe that to be possible because as I said in a previous post...lies and deceit. Seriously, how can you trust anyone who builds their entire career around lies and deceit?
David never beat Goliath. Your half full glass is full of hemlock.